Always wanted to create a CSS Framework after seeing the things others lacked. Maybe this will be a complete failure, but it will be fun.
- Grid System
- xs
- md
- lg
- hidden
- Offset
- Buttons
- Huge variety of colours
- Customisable
- Various states
- Better Typography
- Headings
- Inline text elements
- Lists
- Blockquote
- Contextual Elements
- Helper classes
- Alignment classes
- Transformation classes
- Box shadows
- Border radius
- Padding
- Margin
- Positioning
- Floats
- Top, left, bottom, right
- Types
- Box sizes
- Classes for:
- width and height
- margin and padding
- Semantic AF
- Write class as if it were CSS
- 44 Hand picked colors
- 11 color combos
- background-color
- color
- 11 color combos