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REF 2021 impact data analysis

Python application

For the list of changes to the project see the Changelog.

The REF 2021 Impact Data Analysis was a small project, between King's Digital Lab (KDL) and colleagues in the King's College London (KCL) Research Management & Innovation Directorate (RMID), to support the analysis of the college's REF 2021 impact case studies and environment statements.

The data used during the development of this project includes 153 impact case studies and environment statements, in PDF (5-10 pages of text each), which follow standard templates but are expressed with heterogeneous descriptions and language.

The project was set up to help RMID and research impact leads to address the questions:

  • What are the main types of impact KCL has delivered? Which pathways have been used to deliver those impacts?
  • Who are our key partners and beneficiaries of our impacts?
  • Where are they - local (London), national or global?
  • Is there a correlation between discipline and types of impact or pathways to impact used?
  • What are the areas identified as strengths, areas for development and future plans?

Architecture and workflow

The project has two main components, a Python command line tool to do the data processing including running the machine learning processes, and a web-dashboard to present the results of the data processing.

Architecture and workflow

  • The process starts with extracting data from relevant sections (mainly the summary of the impact, details of the impact, sources to corroborate the impact) of the documents into a single CSV file, which is then used by the different machine learning processes;
  • Zero shot topic classification is applied to extract impact categories, fields of research and impact pathways' outputs;
  • A transformers-based language model is used to extract entities (mainly organisations and locations) from the data. The location data is further enriched by applying geocoding to gather coordinates and place geometries;
  • Abstractive text summarisation is used to create summaries of the documents;
  • And an indexing process indexes all the text both to perform keyword and semantic searches.

About topic classification

Topic classification has been applied to the documents using different authority lists to classify the data according to different perspectives:

About entity extraction

Entity extraction has been applied to different sections of the case studies to extract mentions of Organisations, Places and Products.

  • GPE: Geo-political entities, countries, cities, states
  • LOC: Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water
  • NORP: Nationalities or religious or political groups
  • ORG: Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
  • PRODUCT: Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (not services).

In the dashboard, entities extracted from the sections Summary, Sources to corroborate the impact are grouped together in the Partners view. Entities extracted from the section Details of the impact appear in the Beneficiaries view.

About locations

Entity extraction has been applied to the documents to extract Places mentions (GPE, LOC). The extracted entities were geocoded and classified according to the categories local (to London), national (UK) and global (rest of the world).


The project uses the following Python packages:

Note: Due to time constraints most of these are set up with the default settings.



The results of the machine learning processes can be explored by the project team and visualised via a web-based dashboard (screenshot). Via the dashboard it is also possible to search and filter the data to get more specific insights, either for single or multiple documents at the same time. The landing page of the dashboard displays a table with all the data and also overview information about the data.

Impact categories

Connection between impact categories and units of assessment

Visualisation displaying the output of topic classification following extraction of REF impact categories (topic) and their connections to the unit of assessment (UoA) documents grouped by associated REF panel.

Pathways' outputs

Pathways' outputs are the pathways or outputs created by the researchers to achieve impact.

Connection between pathways' outputs and units of assessment

Visualisation displaying the output of topic classification following extraction of pathways' outputs (topic) for panel D (arts and humanities) per selected UoA coloured by pathways' outputs groups.


Entities extracted for the COVID-19 Symptom Study App

Visualisation displaying the output of entity extraction, showing places (GPE) and organisations (ORG), extracted from the COVID-19 Symptom Study App impact case study.


It is also possible to see the extracted entities in the context they were extracted from.


Map showing locations extracted from the documents

Map displaying the output of entity extraction and geolocation of place entities, aggregated by count, across all documents.


It is possible to search the documents in the dashboard using either a lexical search, that matches documents that contain the exact search terms, or by semantic search, that matches documents that contain words with meaning supposedly related to the search term.

Evaluation and next steps

The dashboard remains a tool with an exploratory function with the caveats that:

  • All of the insights provided in the dashboard should not be accepted as final answers and should be reviewed; needless to say, the output requires further interpretation and analysis outside the system;
  • Due to the time-frame and amount of data, there was no provision to train/fine tune the algorithms/models used; this means that some results may be more accurate than expected while others will be worse than expected and could even be useless.

The topic classification model used has an out of the box F1 score of 0.68 - 0.72 (for unseen and seen labels). In our evaluation the F1 score for the impact categories was 0.61 (0.74 precision, 0.52 recall) for topics assigned with a minimum confidence value of 0.5 or higher.

RMID organised a series of workshops to discuss the analysis of the REF impact documents with the support of the dashboard. Final analysis is not available to KDL yet but feedback has been very positive with intention to build on and possibly expand functionalities in the future.

  • Convert the dashboard to multi-page
  • Add more automated testing
  • Experiment with different models and/or settings

Note: This work was accepted to be presented in a poster format at the sixth annual conference of the UK Society for Research Softare Engineering. See poster and presentation slide. It can be cited as Vieira, Ciula, Noël, Ong. Research Excellence Framework 2021 Impact Data Analysis, poster presented at the Sixth annual conference of the UK Society for Research Softare Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, September 2022.

Set up

Install poetry and the requirements:

poetry install

Configure the settings by editing the file and add REF impact case studies and/or environment statements into the data/0_raw directory.

Run the cli

poetry run python

Warning: The topics command is extremely slow to run in a computer without GPU access.

To see a list of all the available commands and options, run the cli with the --help option:


  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  entities   Extract entities from the data of the text of the given column.
  etl        Extract, transform and load data.
  geolocate  Geolocate the location entities in the data.
  index      reindex full text of the cases using txtai & sqlite fts5.
  summaries  Summarise the text of in the data.
  topics     Apply topic classification to the data.

Cli workflow

The nodes with round edges represent actions available as commands via the cli.

flowchart LR
    data_raw[/Raw data/] --> etl(etl)
    data_raw -.- comment_data_raw[PDF files provided by the impact team]
    class comment_data_raw comment

    comment_data_etl[CSV with data extracted/transformed\nfrom the PDF files] -.- data_etl
    class comment_data_etl comment

    etl --> data_etl[/ETL data/]
    etl -.- comment_etl[Extract, transform and load the raw data\ninto a data frame]
    class comment_etl comment

    data_etl --> entities(entities)
    data_etl --> summaries(summaries)
    data_etl --> topics(topics)

    entities --> data_entities[/Entities data/]
    entities --> data_doc_entities[/spaCy entities docs/]
    entities -.- comment_entities[Entity extraction, can be applied to the\nsummary, details and sources sections]
    class comment_entities comment

    data_entities -.- comment_data_entities[CSVs with the entities extracted for each section]
    data_entities --> geolocate(geolocate)
    class comment_data_entities comment

    data_doc_entities -.- comment_data_doc_entities[Serialized spaCy docs for reuse]
    class comment_data_doc_entities comment

    geolocate -.- comment_geolocate[Geolocation, using OpenStreetMap's Nominatin service,\n can be applied to the location entities]
    geolocate --> data_geolocate[/Location entities data/]
    geolocate --> data_geojson[/Location entities geometry data/]
    class comment_geolocate comment

    data_geolocate -.- comment_data_geolocate[CSVs with location entities with lat and lon coordinates]
    class comment_data_geolocate comment
    data_geojson -.- comment_data_geojson[GeoJSON files with geometry data for location entities]
    class comment_data_geojson comment

    summaries --> data_summaries[/Summarised data/]
    summaries -.- comment_summaries[Abstractive text summarisation]
    class comment_summaries comment

    data_summaries -.- comment_data_summaries[CSV with summaries of each text]
    class comment_data_summaries comment

    data_impact_categories[/Impact categories/] --> topics(topics)
    comment_data_impact_categories[List of categories provided by the impact team] -.- data_impact_categories
    class comment_data_impact_categories comment

    data_for[/Fields of research/] --> topics(topics)
    comment_data_for[ANZSRC authority list of fields of research] -.- data_for
    class comment_data_for comment

    topics --> data_topics[/Topics data/]
    topics -.- comment_topics[Topic classification using\nimpact categories or fields of research\n as potential topics]
    class comment_topics comment

    data_topics -.- comment_data_topics[CSVs with topic and confidence value]
    class comment_data_topics comment

    classDef comment fill:lightyellow,stroke-width:0px;

Run the dashboard

To run the dashboard directly on the system:

poetry run streamlit run

To run the dashboard with Docker, first copy the docker-compose.override.yaml.example into docker-compose.override.yaml and edit as needed. The dashboard can then be run with the command:



poetry install --dev
poetry shell