Arithm is a tool which contains an interpreter for the simple programming language mainly designed to compute arithmetic expressions. It also has a long arithmetic and non-empty list libraries. While all three modules can be used for developers, there are console interface of interpreter for users.
GitHub Actions |
You can install the package with dotnet by following this steps:
- Add a source in your NuGet.config file
dotnet nuget add source ""
- Authorize with your github token
paket config add-token "" <token>
- Install the package
dotnet add PROJECT package Arithm --version <version>
Arithm contains a console application with interpreter for arithmetic expressions and some useful libraries such as BigInt for long arithmetic
The docs contains an overview of the tool and how to use it
- .NET 5.0 or greater
├── .config - dotnet tools
├── .github - GitHub Actions CI setup
├── docs - site with documentation
├── docsSrc - documentation files in .md format
├── src - main code of the project
│ └── Arithm - Interpreter, MyList and BigInt libraries
├── tests - tests
│ └── Arithm.tests - tests for all modules
├── fsharplint.json - linter config
└── Arithm.sln - main solution file