ABACUS (Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc) Pseudopotential-Numerical atomic orbital Square (APNS) is a project for continuously generating pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital test data for ABACUS user. The project is based on the ABACUS project, which is a high-performance ab initio simulation software for electronic structure calculation.
This project is initially designed to answer the practical question that "in practice, how accurate can ABACUS calculate the electronic structure of a material with currently available given pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital?"
That is to say, we have tested commonly-seen all pseudopotentials that supported by ABACUS.
On the other hand, we also want to provide an error-standardized reference for users who use ABACUS to train their machine-learning forcefields.
We have tested the efficiency and precision of norm-conserving and ultra-soft pseudopotentials for ABACUS, and the results are published online in AIS-Square which is maintained by the Artificial Intelligence for Science Institute of BEIJING.
Parts of norm-conserving pseudopotential results has been plotted and shown on website: APNS: Pseudopotentials.
What is under development in this repository is the high-throughput and highly automated workflow for generating pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital test suite for ABACUS development. For most of ABACUS users, this repository is not necessary.
This project is fully supported by the Artifical Intelligence for Science Institute of BEIJING, as a part of DeepModeling open-source development community.
We have noticed the excellent works of:
G. Prandini et al. published in 2018 (Prandini, Gianluca, et al. "Precision and efficiency in solid-state pseudopotential calculations." npj Computational Materials 4.1 (2018): 72.), along with the Standard Solid-State Pseudopotential library online database.
E. Bosoni et al. published in 2024 (Bosoni, Emanuele, et al. "How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows." Nature Reviews Physics 6.1 (2024): 45-58.), along with the acwf-verification online database.
, where the AiiDA provides high-throughput computing workflow and platform. We plan to substitute part of kernel of APNS with AiiDA in the future, to further standardize the workflow and improve the quality of test data.
WARNING: In principle APNS is not designed to be run on local machine of common ABACUS users. However, if you want to run it on your local machine, you can follow the instructions below.
Prerequisites differ from workflows, currently there are three workflows. Mutual prerequisites are listed below:
- Python 3.6 or higher
- numpy
- scipy
Following lists prerequisites for each workflow:
- urllib3 (< 2.1.0)
- mp_api
- pymatgen
- seekpath
matplotliblbg (lebegue, developed by DP technology Inc., for downloading groups of jobs from Bohrium(R) platform)
Please see the sub-project ABACUS-ORBGEN for more details.
Note: the Orbgen workflow is to be refactored now
python3 -m virtualenv apnsvenv
source apnsvenv/bin/activate
in .gitignore
, a line is already set for ignoring virtual environment folder entitled with substr venv
. Then you can install the package.
To install, run:
pip install .
, add -e
to install in editable mode.
pip install -e .
APNS will manage local pseudopotentials and numerical atomic orbitals on its own, please read the annotation in /download/upf/update.py
and /download/orb/update.py
carefully before running the following commands.
Once you update your local pseudopotential or numerical atomic orbital library, you should update the tag database accordingly.
prepare a JSON file like the following (but please do not include any comments in your JSON file):
"global": {
"mode": "test",
"pseudo_dir": "/path/to/your/folder/stores/psp",
"orbital_dir": "/path/to/your/folder/stores/nao",
"cache_dir": "/path/where/apns/cache",
"out_dir": "/path/to/your/output"
"credentials": {
"materials_project": {"api_key": "your-materials-project-api-key"}
// other credential settings not stably-implemented yet
"abacus": [
// a list of ABACUS DFT calculation settings, see below for details
"atomsets": [
// a list of definition of atomic species, see below for details
"strusets": [
// a list of definition of structures, see below for details
section, you can configure the structural automatic download from Materials Project. Register, login and get your API key from the dashboard. -
section, any number of dicts are allowed, each dict contains the content exactly the same as the input of ABACUS (commonly theINPUT
file). For a complete list of keywords supported, see the ABACUS online manual. Beyond the basic setting manner, APNS further supports theiterator
"ecutwfc": [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
"ecutwfc|ecutrho": [[30, 240]]
and even their combined mode:
"ecutwfc|ecutrho": [[30, 240], [40, 320], [50, 400]]
. If more than one
is given, then Cartesian product will be made. This means that if you have twoiterator
:"ecutwfc": [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], "ecutrho": [240, 320, 400]
, then there will be in total 27 calculation will be defined. Moreover, the
section is merely one of the DFT code supported by APNS. APNS also partially supports theqespresso
(Quantum ESPRESSO), e.g.:"qespresso": [ { "control": { "outdir": "./out", "prefix": "test", "pseudo_dir": "./", "verbosity": "high", "restart_mode": "from_scratch", "calculation": "scf", "tstress": ".true.", "tprnfor": ".true." }, "system": { "ibrav": 0, "ecutwfc|ecutrho": [[20, 160], [30, 240], [40, 320], [50, 400], [60, 480]], "occupations": "smearing", "smearing": "gaussian", "degauss": 0.01 }, "electrons": { "mixing_mode": "plain", "conv_thr": 1.0e-6, "diagonalization": "david" }, "ions": {}, "cell": {} } ]
. More DFT code support can be easily added by modifying the
file (but all relevant implementation will be moved to other files later).Both the
is called thecalculator
in APNS. -
section, any number of dicts are allowed, each dict contains the definition of atomic species. A typical definition can be:{ "Co": [["NC", "pslibrary"], null], "Ag": [["NC"], null], "Cd": [["NC"], null], "In": [["NC"], null] }
, in which for Cobalt, all pseudopotentials satisfying the search tags
will be used. For other elements, Ag, Cd and In, as long as there is any pseudopotential is tagged withNC
, it will be used. The second element in the list is for numerical atomic orbitals, which is not needed for PW DFT calculation.In an ABACUS LCAO calculation, the atomic species should be defined like:
{ "H": [["NC", "sg15", "1.0"], ["SimulatedAnnealing"]], "O": [["NC", "sg15", "1.0"], ["PTG_dpsi"]] }
, which means based on searching the pseudopotential(s) that matches the tags
, the corresponding numerical atomic orbitals will be searched with the tagSimulatedAnnealing
for Hydrogen andPTG_dpsi
for Oxygen.When it is the case that large number of elements with the same tags, you can use:
{ "__element__": ["Cs", "Ba", "La", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi"], "__tags__": [["US"], null] }
, in which all elements in the list will be searched with the same tags. Here it is all the ultrasoft pseudopotentials available will be used.
section, any number of dicts are allowed, each dict defines a series of structure that is calculated with the samecalcualtor
. An example is:{ "calculator": "abacus", "calcset": 0, "atomset": 0, "database": "materials_project", "desc": [["file", "/mnt/e/Downloads/Co3O4.cif", [1.00], [0.08]]] }
APNS backend workflow will parse the cif file specified (here the file path is
), prepare input files forcalculator
, with the first set of DFT parameters defined inabacus
section, the first set of atomic species defined inatomsets
section. the third element (the list) is the characteristic length of the structure, for Co3O4 case it is the scaling factor of the crystal volume. The fourth element is thekspacing
(see ABACUS online manual for explanation: kspacing, here APNS only supports one number, instead of three numbers for each reciprocal axis).Once in the
section the Materials Project API key is given, APNS can try to connect with the Materials Project online database, search for the most stable structure of Co3O4:{ "calculator": "abacus", "calcset": 0, "atomset": 0, "database": "materials_project", "desc": [["search", "Co3O4", [1.00], [0.08]]] }
APNS also supports building some ideal structures, e.g. for the face-centered cubic Aluminum:
{ "calculator": "abacus", "calcset": 0, "atomset": 0, "desc": [["from_scratch", "Al_fcc", [1.00], [0.08]]] }
A cell volume database should be correctly set in file
, please read this file for more details. The second element also supports the oxide building, e.g. for the Al2O3:{ "calculator": "abacus", "calcset": 0, "atomset": 0, "desc": [["from_scratch", "AlO_x2y3", [1.00], [0.08]]] }
, in which the Al will be at the site 'x' and O will be at the site 'y', and their mole ratio is 2:3. This also relies on the correct setting of the cell volume database. We also support the bulding of simple molecule:
{ "calculator": "abacus", "calcset": 0, "atomset": 0, "desc": [["from_scratch", "H_dimer", [0.94], [0.08]]] }
, in which the H2 molecule will be built with the bond length 0.94 Angstrom. The kspacing here will not be read, the calculation will be automatically set as Gamma-point only.
Then run:
python main.py -i input.json
After jobs are done, you can download with lbg
developed by DPTechnology Inc.:
lbg jobgroup download <group_id>
However if it is the first time you run lbg
, you need to configure it first:
lbg config account
, your Bohrium account and password are needed.
Since APNS-2, the analysis
workflow will not be executed from the main.py
, instead, there are example scripts (for greping, analyzing and ploting data that shown in the APNS website) in analysis/
folder, in which there are also many useful fundamental postprocessing utilities function implemented. Users are encouraged to write their own scripts based on these examples.