The Connected Learning Analytics toolkit (new django architecture, superseeding
- Local Installation using VirtualEnv
- [Creating a Development VM Development with-Docker]( Docker)
- Creating a Server VM with Docker
- Importing a seeded database
- Helpful Docker Commands
CLAToolkit is built with Django. The installation is pretty standard but requires Postgres (for JSON document queries), Numpy and a range of Machine Learning Libraries such as Scikit Learn and Gensim
If you do not have VirtualEnv installed:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
Create a virtual environment for CLAToolkit:
$ mkvirtualenv clatoolkit
$ workon clatoolkit
Get code from GitHub:
$ git clone
$ cd clatoolkit/clatoolkit_project/clatoolkit_project
Install Python and Django Requirements
A requirements.txt file is provided in the code repository. This will take a while especially the installation of numpy. If numpy fails you may have to find a platform specific deployment method eg using apt-get on ubuntu ($ sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose).
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Postgres
On a Mac install using these instructions: and add to path using:
export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
You can either create a new postgres database for your CLAToolkit Instance or use database with preloaded Social Media content. A preloaded database is available upon request which comes with a set of migrations.
Instructions to create a new postgres database Follow to create a user and database for django
$ sudo createdb -U username --locale=en_US.utf-8 -E utf-8 -O username cladjangodb -T template0
Load an existing database by first creating a new database and then importing data from backup database
$ sudo createdb -U username --locale=en_US.utf-8 -E utf-8 -O username newdatabasename -T template0
$ psql newdatabasename < backedupdbname.bak
Edit .env
and add secret key + DB details
If a new database was created, you will need to setup the database tables and create a superuser.
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
Now you can run the django webserver:
$ python runserver
If a new database was created go to http://localhost:8000/admin and login with superuser account Add a unit offering with hashtags (for twitter) and group id (for facebook) Add users with twitter id and facebook id Login is at http://localhost:8000/
Step by step instructions for installation on Ubuntu using Apache server can be found here
If you're running OSX or Windows installing Docker, Docker Compose, and Machine via Docker Toolbox is the easiest method.
Install Docker following the instructions here.
Along with Docker we will be using:
- Docker Compose for orchestrating a multi-container application into a single app, and
- Docker Machine for creating Docker hosts both locally and in the cloud.
On Mac OS X, Docker Machine and Compose are installed with Docker Toolbox. Follow these directions here and here to install Docker Compose and Machine, respectively on other platforms. Docker Compose does not seem to be available for Windows even though some intructions are below.
Test if docker-machine and docker-compose are installed:
$ docker-machine --version
docker-machine version 0.5.3, build 4d39a66
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.5.2, build e5cf49d
Clone the project from the repository using git and enter the directory:
$ git clone
$ cd CLAtoolkit
Create a virtual machine for our project to live in:
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev;
Select the dev VM as the machine we want to run commands against:
$ eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
If you're using cmd.exe replace 'powershell' with 'cmd'
$ docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell dev
$Env:DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://"
$Env:DOCKER_CERT_PATH = "C:\Users\n-\.docker\machine\machines\dev"
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# E:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe env --shell powershell dev | Invoke-Expression
Run the outputted command to configure your shell:
$ docker-machine env --shell powershell dev | Invoke-Expression
To get the containers started build the images and start the services:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
This will take quite some time to complete the first time you run it. Subsequent builds will be far quicker as the results are cached from the first build.
Run Django database migrations:
$ docker-compose run -d clatoolkit_project python migrate
Grab the IP associated with the Docker Machine we created:
$ docker-machine ip dev
Navigate to the IP in your browser, which in my case is and you should be greeted with the login page to the toolkit.
Along with Docker we will be using:
- Docker Compose for orchestrating a multi-container application into a single app
Follow the directions here to install Docker Compose.
Test if docker-compose is installed:
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.5.2, build e5cf49d
Clone the project from the repository using git and enter the directory:
$ git clone
$ cd CLAtoolkit
To get the containers started build the images and start the services:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose -f production.yml up -d
This will take quite some time to complete the first time you run it. Subsequent builds will be far quicker as the results are cached from the first build.
Run Django database migrations:
$ docker-compose run -d clatoolkit_project python migrate
The server should now be running on port 80
List the running images:
$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
clatoolkit_clatoolkit_project_1 /usr/local/bin/gunicorn cl ... Up 8000/tcp
clatoolkit_clatoolkit_project_run_1 python migrate Up 8000/tcp
clatoolkit_data_1 / true Up 5432/tcp
clatoolkit_nginx_1 /usr/sbin/nginx Up>80/tcp
clatoolkit_postgres_1 / postgres Up>5432/tcp
Copy the seeded database into the postgres container:
$ docker cp cladevdbase.bak clatoolkit_postgres_1:/cladevdbase.bak
Enter a bash prompt in the postgres container:
$ docker exec -it clatoolkit_postgres_1 bash
Create the default admin account:
root@96245826afca:/# createuser -U postgres --interactive
Enter name of role to add: aneesha
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Restore the seeded database to the default postgres database (or whichever is being currently used):
psql -U postgres postgres < cladevdbase.bak
Use to have the server reflect changes made in the code (this should eventually be done using docker volumes instead):
$ ./
To see which environment variables are available to the clatoolkit_project service, run:
$ docker-compose run clatoolkit_project env
To view the logs:
$ docker-compose logs