My personal (NixOS) configuration that is an absolute mess, do not do what I do
- WM: Herbstluftwm
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Editor: nvim
- Neovim
- Mainly used for config editing, or stuff where it'd be unreasonable to use emacs
- (Doom) Emacs
- Used for working on actual (useless) projects
- Ncmpcpp
- Used as a front-end for MPD (Music Player Daemon)
- MPD (Music Player Daemon)
- Jellyfin (Media Server)
- Convert more to nix
- Neovim
- Emacs
- Ncmpcpp
- Refactor/clean up modules
TODO: Add more screenshots
- Wallpaper: さんどう線 by さしみん(たいら)
- Rofi Config comes from here: adi1090x/rofi