Releases: kivudesign/Validator
Releases · kivudesign/Validator
What's Changed
- [ENH] add error message builder type]
- [ENH] get schema provider accessor name via reflexion.]
- [ENH] add support negative number]
- [ENH] remove constructor to provide manually class name]
- [FIX] return object exception instead of message]
- [FIX] remove un used file index]
- [UPD] make file as final to protect from inheritances
- [FIX] update exception key from optionResolver]
- [FIX] setup ValidatorProvider to instantiate item and resource for all children]
- [FIX] remove unused method and properties
- [FIX] remove unused file]
- [FIX] refactor test number example to get more detail]
- [[FIX] refactor test string example to get more detail]
- [FIX] refactor date string example to get more detail]
- [FIX] refactor array string example to get more detail]
- [FIX] manage to access vendor autoload via child folder]
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
What's Changed
- [ENH] add support validate array object by @bim-g in #59
- [ENH] add support array string validation by @bim-g in #62
- [ENH] add support array number validation by @bim-g in #63
- [UPD] add filter to array string by @bim-g in #67
- [ENH] add method to check min and max params by @bim-g in #68
Full Changelog: v2.0.0.0...v2.1.1
What's Changed
- [UPD][TRA] add boolean translate by @bim-g in #40
- [ENH] make standard transalion module by @bim-g in #42
- Refactor project app structure by @bim-g in #44
- [ENH]String Validation: add string validation script and test by @bim-g in #47
- [UPD] Refactoring app structure by @bim-g in #50
- [UPD] rename validation schema, but removing "V" before it name. by @bim-g in #52
- V3-beta by @bim-g in #56
Full Changelog: 1.8.4...v2.0.0.0
Fix date namespace
fix: relocate module file
wepesi validation
This module help you to do validation of your input, without strugle to much.
simple to integrate and easy to us.