This is an extension created to allow users of Waterfox Classic (and possibly other Firefox derivatives) to load polyfills at will.
Currently available polyfills:
- ResizeObserver
- Webcomponents
- BigInt with slight modifications (there is no way to actually polyfill BigInt as it's a new type that needs internal operators to work with it, if website creator used JSBI properly everything should be fine, in other cases it will likely break anyway)
- AbortController
- Array extensions bundle
- ArrayBuffer
- DataView
- Element extensions bundle
- es2018 bundle
- es2019 bundle
- globalThis
- Intl extensions
- Promise.finally
- String extensions
- TypedArrays
This extension uses libraries:
- Text Encoding with a slight modification to override built in encoder, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to encode text to charsets other than
Licensing information regarding included polyfills is included both in repository and in package in legal