Use some JSON data files to generate a CV in many languages with optional entries. Live at
To start the backend
cd backend
CV_CREATOR_CROSS_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000 CV_CREATOR_DATA_DIR_PATH=../data/sample lein ring server
and then to start the frontend
cd frontend
REACT_APP_CV_CREATOR_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8080 npm start
The environment variable CV_CREATOR_DATA_DIR_PATH
controls the directory searched for JSON data files.
It defaults to data/sample
Run ./
To create a CV from the command line, use the commands
cd backend
lein run -m cv-creator.core/-main <data-directory-path> <language> <tags>...
The data directory needs to contain one or many JSON files (one JSON file per language) that specify the content of the CV.
The valid <language>
and <tags>
are specified in the data files.
Tagged sections, items and subitems are excluded unless the tag they contain is passed on the command line.
An example of a valid command is
cd backend && lein run -m cv-creator.core/-main ../data/sample english computerScience
Take a look at the Continuous Integration (CI) in the file .github/workflows/test.yml.
The third party package resources/latexResumeStyleSheet.cls provides, as its name suggests, a LaTeX style sheet for CVs.