- Provide additional data to to complete the audit as below:
The voter turnout for each county
The percentage of votes from each county out of the total count
The county with the highest turnout
- How many votes were cast in this congressional election?
Total voted casted in the congressional election were 369,711
- Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of total votes for each county in the precinct.
Jefferson County: 10.5% (38,855)
Denver County: 82.8% (306,055)
Arapahoe County: 6.7% (24,801)
- Which county had the largest number of votes?
With 306,055 Denver had the largest number of votes.
- Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of the total votes each candidate received.
Charles Casper Stockham: 23.0% (85,213)
Diana DeGette: 73.8% (272,892)
Raymon Anthony Doane: 3.1% (11,606)
- Which candidate won the election, what was their vote count, and what was their percentage of the total votes?
Winner of the election: Diana DeGette
Total Votes for Diana: 272,892
Percentage of total votes for Diana: 73.8%
Below are two examples of how this script can be modified to be used for other elections.
- Including voters age:
Age is one of the leading indicators of voter turnaround. We can do this by adding the age description in coding lines following the data we already have, example:
winning_county = ""
winning_county_count = 0
winning_county_percentage = 0
winning_county_age = 0
in other similar lines too.
- Including voters enthusiasm:
It is more a quality indicator. Similarly to the above coding lines we could add (Extremely motivated
Very motivated
Somewhat motivated
Not too motivated
Not at all motivated
No opinion)