I need a pgTAP test that is similar to
but allows for some kind of tolerance when comparing
numeric values. E.g. I'd like to say if one row has 30.23223
and another 30.23225
for some column a
that those should
be consider equal.
This is my attempt to write such a function. You can see the
API in the approx-equal.sql
file. It's like
SELECT pg_temp.results_approx_equal(
$$select * from (values (1,50), (1, 10)) vals(a, b)$$,
$$select * from (values (2,55), (0, 5)) vals(a, b)$$,
json_build_object('a', 1, 'b', 5)
In that code block I'm saying "consider two rows to be equivalent
if their a
columns differ by no more than 1
and their b
columns differ by no more than 5
You can run the tests in the approx-equal.sql
file like
psql service=your-pg-service-or-whatever -f ./approx-equal.sql
That assumes you've installed pgTAP.
pgTap code is Copyright (c) 2008-2020 David E. Wheeler. Code I wrote and didn't copy is available under the Unlicense.