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  • module-federation-examples-root -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
    Examples showcasing Webpack 5's Module Federation
    • advanced-apis -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      More Examples using advanced apis or concepts
      • automatic-vendor-sharing -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        This example demos automatic-vendor-sharing, each host/remote will share all vendors possible
      • dynamic-remotes -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        Basic demo of a host app loading remote components and dynamically sharing vendor code with unknown remotes, or without a Federation Plugin
    • angular-universal-ssr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Angular Universal SSR with Module Federation
    • angular11-microfrontends-ngrx -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation with Angular 11, featuring shared modules and NgRx
    • angular11-microfrontends-ngxs -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation with Angular 11, featuring shared modules and NGXS.
    • angular14-react -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation for Angular 14 and React 18 apps, with NGXS state management and shared state between Angular and React modules.
    • angular15-microfrontends-lazy-components -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation with Angular 15, featuring shared modules and NGXS state management
    • angular15-vue3 -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This project shows an example of using Webpack 5 Module Federation with Angular 15 using Vue 3 components from remote.
    • apollo-client -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demonstrates using Apollo Client with Module Federation.
    • basic-host-remote
      Basic Host and Remote Example
    • bi-directional
      Basic Bi-directional Federation application
    • cloud -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Various Cloud based Examples
    • complete-react-case -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      A complete Module Federation Case with React.
    • comprehensive-demo-react16 -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Multi-framework comprehensive demo for React 16
    • comprehensive-demo-react18 -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Multi-framework comprehensive demo for React 18
    • cra -- ✅ rspack | ❌ webpack
      Create React app Running with rsbuild
    • cra-react-app-rewired
      CRA with react-app-rewired
    • css-isolation -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Demonstration of CSS isolation between host and remote apps using Shadow DOM with Module Federation. Features 'app1' (host) loading 'app2' (remote) for CSS-isolated components.
    • different-react-versions -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos the ability to load two separate versions of react (v16.6.3 and v16.13.1).
    • different-react-versions-16-17 -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos the ability to load two separate versions of react (16 & 17).
    • different-react-versions-16-17-typescript -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      TypeScript example demos the ability to load two separate versions of react.
    • different-react-versions-16-18 -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Two apps, one using React 16 and the other using React 18
    • different-react-versions-isolated -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos host and remote applications running in isolation with two different React versions and no shared libraries
    • different-react-versions-typescript -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      No description
    • dynamic-remotes-node -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Dynamic Remotes on server side with Node Federation
    • dynamic-system-host -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Runtime API based Dynamic Remote Loading
    • federated-css-mono -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Examples Federating Styles
      • consumers-nextjs -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
        NextJs apps consumes exposed components in different combinations.
      • consumers-react -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        React apps consumes exposed components in different combinations.
      • expose-remotes -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        apps exposes components with a different types of components styling
    • federated-css-react-ssr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Example of server side rendering with module federation using React 18 and different types of component styling
    • federated-library-from-cdn -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Basic example of two applications that share the same library served from a CDN.
    • federated-npm -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Use Unpkg or to retrieve all shared modules needed. Allowing you to access all of npm on demand
    • frontend-discovery-service -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Demonstrates running Micro Frontends with Module Federation and Frontend Service Discovery on AWS, including Blue/Green deployment for version updates.
    • genesis
      Vue Genesis Example
    • i18next-nextjs-react -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Demonstrates using dedicated i18next instances in micro frontends, enabling language change in one that affects all.
    • medusa-example -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack Demo
    • modernjs
      Module Federation Example for ByteDance's Modern.js Framework.
    • nested -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Demonstration of loading nested remote components: 'app1' (host) async loads 'ButtonContainer' from 'app2', which in turn async loads 'Button' from 'app3'.
    • nextjs-react -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation with NextJS and Client-Side React Remotes
    • nextjs-ssr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Server Side Rendering with Next.js
    • nextjs-ssr-react-query -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Server Side Rendering with Next.js and React Query
    • nextjs-v12 -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Next.js 12 Example
    • nextjs-v13 -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Next.js 13 Example
    • quasar
      Quasar Framework Example
    • react-16-17-18-ssr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      React 16, 17, 18 SSR
    • react-18-code-splitting -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      React 18 Code Splitting
    • react-18-server-2-server -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Server 2 Server React 18
    • react-ssr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      React 18 SSR
    • react-in-vue -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Demo of fetching a React component in a Vue app via Module Federation, showcasing two-way communication and lifecycle management.
    • react-hmr -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      LiveReload with a React app
    • react-storybook
      Storybook Example
    • redux-reducer-injection -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Sharing a Redux store across remote apps with dynamic reducer injection; 'app1' hosts and creates the store, 'app2' injects its reducer.
    • rspack_webpack -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Webpack Host with Rspack Remotes: App #1 as Webpack, Apps #2-#5 as Rspack, with coexisting webpack commands.
    • rspack_offload -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Speed up Webpack by offloading some workload to rspack
    • runtime-plugins -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Runtime Plugin Examples for Module Federation 1.5
      • control-sharing -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        Control Sharing Panel. Lets you change share resolver in the app via GUI
      • backend-control -- ✅ rspack | ✅ webpack
        Control Sharing Panel. Lets you change share resolver in the app via GUI
    • rust-wasm -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Using Module Federation to federate Wasm modules across independent applications. In this demo, we will use Conways Game of Life to illustrate how Wasm can be shared.
    • self-healing -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos self-healing capabilities with Module Federation. app2 depends on and is expecting a shared dependency to be provided in app1.
    • server-side-render-only -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Module Federation Server Side Rendering, no client side implementation
    • server-side-rendering -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Example of server side rendering with module federation using React 18 and Suspense
    • shared-context -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a host application wrapped in a ContextProvider and renders a remote component consuming the ContextProvider value.
    • shared-routes2 -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos two applications with their own sets of routes and deployments but a seamless experience for the user.
    • shared-routing -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host application loading remote component.
    • shared-store-cross-framework -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a Vue3 in React application which shares the same store.
    • simple-node -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Node.js Examples
    • 013-styled-components -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This sample shows how to use Styled Components with MF and React SSR.
    • third-party-scripts -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host-remote application with third-party remotes or vendor code.
    • typescript-repo -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript and also streams types.
    • typescript-monorepo -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript using yarn workspaces and using typesVersions
    • typescript-project-references -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript using Project References.
    • typescript-react-fallback -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript using [Project References], to show how to render another remote as a fallback if a remote fails to render.
    • ts-monorepo
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript and also streams types.
    • typescript-react-monorepo-test
      This example demos a basic host/remote application with TypeScript and also streams types.
    • umd-federation -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      UMD output target for Module Federation
    • vite-react-microfrontends
      Vite React Microfrontends
    • vite-react-simple -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      Vite & Webpack React Simple
    • vite-svelte-microfrontends
      Svelte Vite Based Microfrontends
    • vite-vue-microfrontends
      Vue Vite Based Microfrontends
    • vue-cli
      Vue CLI Examples
    • vue2-in-vue3 -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos a vue3 application loading remote vue2 component.vue3 app depends on a component exposed by vue2 app.
    • vue3-cli-demo
      Vue 3 using vue-cli OR rsbuild
    • vue3-demo -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This example demos consumption of federated modules from a Webpack bundle. layout app depends on a component exposed by home app.
    • vue3-demo-federation-with-vite -- ❌ rspack | ✅ webpack
      This project is a mix of webpack-federation and vite-federation