Not my first repository, although I'm still very much a beginner. I am just adding some text so I can remember the exact flow...
I am an accountant who likes to use technology to solve problems. In my typical day there will be many times when I need to extract data (sometimes very large sets) and present this is in a meaningful way using charts, tables, dashboards and so on. I often use code to assist with this - VBA can be used to do basic processing but can be too slow in some cases and in that instance I will switch to C#.
When authoring code the primary decision that needs to be made is "Will the time taken to write this code be less than the total cost of the next best alternative?" The next best alternative is "(Accuracy required + Boredom Factor) x Times Executed".
The first real project that I will be adding to github will be the Concat Excel tool.
This text is being added in response to open issue. In real life the issue would probably be resolved via a code fix but in this example just this text will be added.