This node module helps you to create your own errors with your defined error codes and handle them within classes in a proper way.
- Creating errors objects instance of
class from the self-defined error codes - Throw the created error any time with informative error message/code and error stack
- Parse any error to HTTP error codes and messages
- Usage with express middleware
- See custom and informative error messages in the client-side of the REST in development environment
ES6 only
$ npm install errorme
Check the JSDoc here.
npm install errorme --save
#Usage You can add your custom errors or use the default errors.
//defining our custom errors
const errors = {
"ValidationError": {
"CODE": 100,
"DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "The provided data is not valid",
"HTTP_CODE": 400
"ServiceError": {
"CODE": 101,
"DEFAULT_MESSAGE": "Error happend related to the third party service",
"HTTP_CODE": 500
//overwriting defaults errors and requiring to show logs once an error created
let options = { overwrite: true, showLogs: true }
//requiring module
let errorme = require('errorme')(errors, options)
//getting error
let code = 100, customMessage = "The provided data is invalid";
let err = errorme.getError(code, customMessage) //custom message will be visible if process.env.DEV=true
console.log(err instanceof Error) //true
//parsing error to http
let httpErr = err.parseTo('http')
console.log(httpErr.code) //400
console.log(httpErr.definedCode) //100
console.log(httpErr.message) //"Bad request"
//create http error
let newHttpErr = errorme.getHttpError(100);
console.log(newHttpErr.code == httpErr.code) //true
console.log(newHttpErr.message == httpErr.message) //true
To understand the real use case it will be better to see it with async module, especially with async/waterfall
let waterfall = require('async/waterfall');
let errorme = require('errorme')();
let someFunction = (params, callback)=>{
//suppose here we are doing some database query
//and it might fail
let err;
let data;
if(Math.floor((Math.random() * 5)) == 0){
//suppose here we've got error
err = errorme.getError(102, "Our database query unfortunately failed")
data = "Some data retrieved from database"
_calllback(err, data) //err will be undefined if the if block is not executed
(data, _calllback)=>{
//if this callback is being executed then it means the previous is not failed
//and now we want to check our data which might not to meet to our criteria
let err;
if(Math.floor((Math.random() * 5)) == 1){
//data doesn't meet to our criteria
//and we want to provide the corresponding error
err = errorme.getError(100, "Data doesn't meet to our criteria")
data = null;
_calllback(err, data) //err will be undefined if the if block is not executed
(data, _calllback)=>{
//soppose here we want to make a call to some external service which also can be failed
let err;
let dataOfExternalService;
if(Math.floor((Math.random() * 5)) == 2){
err = errorme.getError(101); //if don't pass message then the error message will be the default error message
dataOfExternalService = "Data from external service";
_calllback(err, dataOfExternalService) //err will be undefined if the if block is not executed
], (error, data)=>{
//here we can do our final operations
//and finally parse the error to http and send to the client
// if(error)
// error = error.parseTo('http');
//we don't have anything to do in this final block then we could parse the error into http
//in the above callbacks and as a callback we could just give the top most callback
//lets say we don't want to parse to http. We just pass the pure error to the callback
callback(error, data);
someFunction("some paramas", (error, data)=>{
console.log('Error occured. Code: ' + error.code + ', message: ' + error.message);
console.log('Data: ' + data);
Using with express
let express = require('express');
let app = express();
let errorme = require('errorme')();
//creates middleware
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
let data = {
foo: "Foo data"
let err;
// uncoment below if you want to send http error message (data argument will be ignored)
// err = errorme.getError(100);
res.errormeSend(err, data);
- Will be ability to add other "error languages"
- Optimization for working with error codes defined by external service providers