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Alex St edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 6 revisions


  • build and test-deploy on all platforms
  • git tag release
  • release-deploy

Preparation – version update

  • version.h
  • installer/knossos/DEBIAN/control
  • wix/bundle.wxs
  • wix/knossos.wxs
  • maybe update Splash

Source release – git tag and build

  • KREVISION inside buildinfo.h in the build directory should automatically get updated

Distribution release

AUR package

  • updpkgsumsmakepkg --source → upload to AUR
    (you cannot test the final AUR package beforehand because it is build upon the git tag)

Debian package

  • will copy the knossos executable from ../../knossos-release/ (change to your liking) all required dependencies (except python) and plugins to knossos/opt/knossos. After that it builds a Debian package
  • don’t rename it, when installing the linter will hunt you

Windows static build

  • install qt5-static and get a static build of CURL
  • build with CMake flag BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE (there’re currently hard coded paths inside CustomLibraryLocations.cmake)

Windows Setup

  • put the static knossos64.exe and the corresponding python installer (make sure the filenames are correct in the bundle.wxs and in knossos.wxs file) in the installer/wix dir
  • run the script
  • Do NOT change the UpgradeCode. NEVER. Neither in knossos.wxs nor in bundle.wxs. Otherwise the old version wont be uninstalled on an upgrade.