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Adaptive Kalman filtering in Golang

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  • Adaptive Kalman filtering with Rapid Ongoing Stochastic covariance Estimation (ROSE)

  • A helpful introduction to how Kalman filters work, can be found here.

  • Kalman filters are based on a state-space representation of linear, time-invariant systems:

    The next state is defined as

    $$x(t+1) = A_d * x(t) + B_d * u(t)$$

    where A_d is the discretized prediction matrix and B_d the control matrix. x(t) is the current state and u(t) the external input. The response (measurement) of the system is y(t):

    $$y(t) = C * x(t) + D * u(t)$$

Using the standard Kalman filter

	// create filter
	filter := kalman.NewFilter(
			Ad, // prediction matrix (n x n)
			Bd, // control matrix (n x k)
			C,  // measurement matrix (l x n)
			D,  // measurement matrix (l x k)
			Q, // process model covariance matrix (n x n)
			R, // measurement errors (l x l)

	// create context
	ctx := kalman.Context{
		X, // initial state (n x 1)
		P, // initial process covariance (n x n)

	// get measurement (l x 1) and control (k x 1) vectors

	// apply filter
	filteredMeasurement := filter.Apply(&ctx, measurement, control)

Results with standard Kalman filter

Results of Kalman filtering on car example.

See example here.

Results with Rapid Ongoing Stochasic covariance Estimation (ROSE) filter

Results of ROSE filtering.

See example here.

Math behind the Kalman filter

  • Calculation of the Kalman gain and the correction of the state vector ~x(k) and covariance matrix ~P(k): $$^y(k) = C * ^x(k) + D * u(k) dy(k) = y(k) - ^y(k) K(k) = ^P(k) * C^T * ( C * ^P(k) * C^T + R(k) )^(-1) ~x(k) = ^x(k) + K(k) * dy(k) ~P(k) = ( I - K(k) * C) * ^P(k)$$
  • Then the next step is predicted for the state ^x(k+1) and the covariance ^P(k+1): $$^x(k+1) = Ad * ~x(k) + Bd * u(k) ^P(k+1) = Ad * ~P(k) * Ad^T + Gd * Q(k) * Gd^T$$


This software package has been developed for and is in production at Kalkfabrik Netstal.