A reciepe to create a new konstruxi app and its dependencies from sources. It also contains heroku reciepe.
LIBSSL: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
LIBPQ: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
You will need superuser for postgre to activate necessary extensions (currently only ossn-uuid)
mkdir konstruxi;
# Clone reciepe
git clone https://github.com/konstruxi/konstruxi-buildpack --depth=1;
# Clone & Compile nginx
APP_PATH='myapp' ./konstruxi-buildpack/scripts/build_nginx.sh;
cd myapp;
cd model;
# Run PSQL installation script
cd ..;
# Compile config with your PG connection & HTTP port settings
PORT=80 DATABASE_URL=psql://user:password@localhost/database erb conf/heroku/nginx.conf.erb > conf/heroku.conf;
# Run nginx with the config
bin/nginx -p ./conf -c ./heroku.conf;