This template is built with the following technologies:
- Language: TypeScript
- Linting: ESLint
- Style: Less
- Formatting: Prettier/Stylelint
- Bundling: Webpack
- Transpiling: Babel
- Lint Staged: Husky
- Development & Production configurations
- Declarations for png and svg files
Using this template is very simple, follow the following instructions:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new repository and select forked repository as template
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Start the development server
npm start
- Build for production
npm run build
- TypeScript for improved code quality and developer experience
- ESLint for linting and maintaining code consistency
- Prettier for automatic code formatting
- Webpack for bundling and building the application
- Babel for transpiling modern JavaScript to older versions for better browser compatibility
- Husky for running lint-staged, which lints and fixes files before committing
- React Refresh for faster development experience
- Development & Production configurations for different environment settings
- Declarations for png and svg for improved developer experience
Licensed under the MIT License.