Version 1.0.0, released 20 April 2022.
Stand-alone package integrated into transposon mapping pipeline tagmap_hopping for Tagmentation-Based Mapping (Tagmap) data, as well as stand-alone functionality.
TagmapAnalyseR is a module inside the tagmap_hopping pipeline, and is particularly responsible to map (processed) TagMap reads to genomic locations and figure out where transposons (e.g. PiggyBac or Sleeping Beauty) integrated into the genome. TagmapAnalyseR combines several tricks to derive a consensus mapping location for integrations are read coverage may be ambiguous towards the precise location. More details can be obtained from the author upon request (methods section in thesis).
Dependencies for pipeline are described in the respective repository, see its map_insertions.R script for practical application of tagmapAnalyseR.
Load processed read coverage of (putative) integrations
dt <- tagmapAnalyseR::readPutativeInsertions(input)
Obtain integrations with ambiguous read coverage
ambiguous <- tagmapAnalyseR::findAmbiguousInsertionSites(dt, padding = (nchar(overhang_sequence)*2)+2)
Map integrations
mapped <- tagmapAnalyseR::mapInsertionSites(dt = dt,
bam = bam_path,
overhang = overhang_sequence,
samtoolsPath = samtools_path,
depth = as.integer(minimal_read_depth),
ambiguousInsertions = ambiguous)
Reach out through the issues section or reach out directly to the author.