Python package for ntuple production
In its broad sense an n-tuple is a sequence (or ordered list) of n elements, where n is a non-negative integer (see Wikipedia). In the case of High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) an n-tuple is considered a 'flat' TTree as defined by the ROOT framework. This is an ordered list of elements (we call them events), where each event property is defined as a 'leaf':
- property1
- property2
In an n-tuple the properties are either basic types (and string) or sequences of them (e.g. vector<int>
From a programming perspective, the Tree behaves much like a list of Python's namedtuple:
for event in tree:
print event.property1
for e in event.collection1:
The main goal of this package is to translate a TTree with C++ object elements into a TTree with basic types (or sequences of them). This module provides three components to implement that goal:
- n-tuple map: a simple way to map functions and properties of C++ objects in a TTree to simple types
- converter for input files and their content
- a summary component for bookkeeping
The n-tuple map relies on the three classes NTupleContent
, NTupleVariable
and NTupleCollection
is a container that represents the final content of your n-tuple and constists of one or more NTupleVariable
defines a simple 1:1 mapping between original content for basic types and string. The NTupleCollection
constists of one or more NTupleVariable
and maps a vector of objects onto vectors of basic types (n:m mapping, where n can be equal to m).
For clarification an example is provided:
n = NTupleContent(tree_name = 'events', output_file = 'ntuple.root')
isRealData = NTupleVariable = (output_name = "isRealData",
vtype = 'bool', extract_function = lambda event: event.isRealData(), help_doc = 'Maps event.isRealData() to event.isRealData')
# this will produce the vectors, electron.eta and electron.charge
electrons = NTupleCollection('electron', source = lambda event: event.slimmedElectrons,
help_doc = 'maps event.slimmedElectrons.<> onto event.electron.<> where <> mappings are defined by added NTupleVariables',
variables = [
NTupleVariable = ("pt", vtype = 'float', extract_function = lambda e:, help_doc = 'electron transverse momentum (pt)'),
NTupleVariable = ("eta", vtype = 'float', extract_function = lambda e: e.eta(), help_doc = 'electron pseudorapidity'),
NTupleVariable = ("charge", vtype = 'int', extract_function = lambda e: e.charge(), help_doc = 'electron charge'),
Converters are meant to normalise the input to the ntuple component. The following is an example of the CMS software (CMSSW) converter.
The CMSSWConverter
is a wrapper for the n-tuple component which maps
- file input using
which will translate a global path, i.e. a path starting with/store
into a local path (file://
) if the file is available at the local storage element or into a remote file path (root://
) if it is not. Paths on the local file system are not changed event._event.getRun()
)handle = Handle ('std::vector<pat::Muon>');label = ("slimmedMuons");event.getByLabel (label, handle);muons = handle.product()
In a full example (taking the NTupleContent definition from the previous section) is shown below:
events = CMSSWConverter(file_to_process)
map(n.fill, events)
# write new tree to file
# summary over
summary = n.summary()