Releases: kroshu/kuka_drivers
ros2_control support for RSI
- Added ros2_control support for the RSI driver
iiQKA driver reactivation fix
Merge pull request #66 from kroshu/fix/unblock_stream Fix observe thread block
iiQKA driver torque control support
Added torque control support to RoX hardware interface.
Besides, the lifecycle states and parameters are synchonised between the hardware interface and the manager node
Original Sunrise Driver
This release contains the non-ros2_control version of the Sunrise driver with additional helper and demo packages.
Sunrise driver with ros2_control
The sunrise driver was modified to integrate into ros2_control framework
Additionally, some bugs were fixed for the rox driver
iiQKA driver
Added RoX driver with only joint position control mode support
Internal packages are needed for the driver to work, but it builds locally with mock libraries, mock driver supports visualisation in rviz
iiQKA driver joint impedance support
Added joint impedance control mode support for RoX driver. Configuration of control modes is possible only in hardware interface with rebuild.
(Internal packages are needed for the driver to work, but it builds locally with mock libraries, mock driver supports visualisation in rviz)
Basic KUKA drivers ported to pure ROS2
Basic package for ROS2 support with the following driver features:
- FRI support
- RSI support
- General Control Interface
- Topic interfaces
Supported OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Supported ROS distribution: foxy