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Zadara Exporter

A Prometheus exporter for Zadara Storage.


The Zadara Exporter is a Prometheus exporter designed to collect data from Zadara Storage and expose it as Prometheus metrics. It utilizes otel metrics to gather the data.


  • Collects data from Zadara Storage
  • Exposes data as Prometheus metrics
  • Configurable through environment variables, a configuration file, or command line flags


To start the Zadara Exporter server, run the following command:

❯ zadara-exporter server 
2024/05/04 14:40:48 INFO starting Metrics server address=:9090 path=/metrics


Environment Variables

The exporter is configured using the following environment variables:

  • ZADARA_LISTEN_ADDR: The addr to expose the metrics on. (default: :9090)
  • ZADARA_LISTN_PATH: The path to expose the metrics on. (default: /metrics)

Config File


Target configuration is required for the exporter to work. The exporter will not start if there are no targets configured.

The exporter can also be configured using a configuration file. The configuration file is a YAML file with the following structure:

listen_address: :9090
listen_path: /metrics
  - name: London
    token: "<TOKEN HERE>"
    cloud_name: cc1
  # - name: New York
  #   url:
  #   token: "<TOKEN HERE>"
  #   cloud_name: cc2

The configuration file can be specified using the ZADARA_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

The exporter will look for the configuration file (config.yaml) in the current working directory if the ZADARA_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is not set. It will also look for the configuration file in the following directories if the ZADARA_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is not set:

  • /etc/zadara_exporter/config.yaml
  • $HOME/.zadara-exporter/config.yaml

Command Line Flags

The exporter can also be configured using command line flags. The following flags are available:

  -h, --help                    help for server
      --listen_address string   The address to listen on for the metrics server (default ":9090")
      --listen_path string      The path to expose the metrics on (default "/metrics")

Global Flags:
      --config string   The path to the configuration file