A SMPP protocol based SMS server. Which exposes a HTTP api endpoint, to trigger SMS through SMPP protocol. Maintains a queue of messages, and process messages from the queue in background and relays further through SMPP.
GET /api/v1/send-message/?phone=<PHONE NUMBER>&msg=<MESSAGE TEXT>
Host: localhost:4000
client_id: zostel
client_key: hello123
PHONE NUMBER: International format, without (+). eg. 919839098390 HTTP Headers:
- client_id
- client_key
$ git clone <repository>
$ mix deps.get
$ mix deps.compile
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix distillery.release
$ _build/prod/rel/sms_server/bin/sms_server start
# Stop server
$ _build/prod/rel/sms_server/bin/sms_server stop
# Attach shell to server
$ _build/prod/rel/sms_server/bin/sms_server remote_console
# Database migration
$ _build/prod/rel/sms_server/bin/sms_server migrate
- RabbitMQ Server
- Postgresql server
- Elixir 1.9
Webserver Environment variables:
HTTP_PORT, default: 4000
Database Environment variables:
DB_DATABASE, default: sms_server
DB_USERNAME, default: postgres
DB_PASSWORD, default: postgres
DB_HOSTNAME, default: localhost
RabbitMQ Environment variables:
AMQP_HOST, default: "amqp://kbadmin:s7****es@localhost:5672/khatabook"
AMQP_CHANNEL, default: kb_channel
SMPP Environment variables:
SMPP_HOST, default: "smsc-sim.smscarrier.com",
SMPP_PORT, default: 2775
SMPP_USER, default: "test"
SMPP_PASS, default: "test"
Create Database: sms_server Run Migration Table: apikey Fields: client_id, client_key, sender Eg.:
client_id: zo_client client_key: fycz31qo sender: ZONOTIF (sender ID for the SMS)