This project follows the semver pro forma and uses the OneFlow branching model.
Call haplotypes based on linkage disequilibrium between variant sites on long sequencing reads. Uses maximum liklihood methods for reads that are shorter than the entire genome. Comes with its own variant caller.
Recommended for running HapLink on the command line
conda create -n haplink -c bioconda -c conda-forge haplink -y
conda activate haplink
Recommended for running HapLink within a Julia session
julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> add HapLink
To use this install of HapLink from the command line, you will need to add
to your $PATH
Recommended for running HapLink on a HPC
apptainer pull docker://
docker pull
Please check the docs for more detailed instructions on how to use HapLink, both on the command line and in the REPL.
The basic flow of HapLink is
Step | Command | Output Format | |
1. | Call variants | haplink variants |
2. | Call haplotypes | haplink haplotypes |
3. | Convert haplotype calls into sequences | haplink sequences |
You can see how this works using the files in the example directory:
haplink variants \
example/reference.fasta \
example/sample.bam \
> sample.vcf
haplink haplotypes \
example/reference.fasta \
sample.vcf \
example/sample.bam \
> sample.yaml
haplink sequences \
example/reference.fasta \
sample.yaml \
HapLink is written in Julia. While the focus of the program is the command line interface (CLI), it also exposes a nearly identical API in the form of a Julia Package, which is described in the docs.
For consistency, the recommended version of Julia as well as all the recommended formatters and commit hooks are listed in a Nix file. If you have [direnv] and [Nix] installed, then simply run
direnv allow .
pre-commit install
to setup Julia and the commit hook tools.
HapLink.jl is a self-contained Julia package, and its development process is identical to any other package as discussed in the Pkg documentation.
$ git clone
$ cd HapLink.jl
$ julia
(@v1.6) pkg> activate .
(HapLink) pkg> instantiate
julia> using HapLink
julia> ...
To test your changes on the command line application, ensure that
is on your $PATH
, then from the Julia REPL
julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> activate .
(HapLink) pkg> build
This will update the application shim to include your changes.