Kubernetes UI Server is an extended api server for Kubernetes. This exposes a number of apis for a Kubernetes cluster, such as:
service returns the user info of the user making the api call.PodView
resource exposes actual resource usage by a Pod. The resource usage information is read from Prometheus.
You can deploy UI Server using Helm chart found here.
helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
helm repo update
helm install kube-ui-server appscode/kube-ui-server
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/whoami.yaml -o yaml --validate=false
apiVersion: authentication.k8s.io/v1
kind: SelfSubjectReview
creationTimestamp: "2024-06-10T18:41:37Z"
- kubeadm:cluster-admins
- system:authenticated
username: kubernetes-admin
Identity Server is a Kubernetes extended apiserver (EAS). As an EAS, it has access to the user who is making an api call to the "whoami" server. You can find the core of the implementation here.