- Jupyter notebook
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- CUDA capable GPU ( Replace CuDNNGRU/CuDNNLSTM with GRU/LSTM if not available )
- Pandas
- SciKit Learn
- Numpy
Please run these jupyter notebooks in order in order to generate the submission file.
- parse_html
- clean_data
- clean_data_punc_brute
- embeddings
- embeddings_punc_brute
- 1_512
- 512_1024
- 1024_1536
- 1536_2048
- 2048_2560
- 2560_3072
- Combine
submission file : final_submission.csv
All (Most) of the externel resources such as code snippets, embeddings, etc. have been linked to their sources in the notebooks itself.