This project is not under active development, it was hosted at, but is no longer being supported.
Other detailed documentation is in the doc/ directory.
Compile and run the server
sbt server/run
Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser
Typically you will have a config file to override connection info for running locally, to specify a local config file use a JVM param like so:
sbt -Dconfig.file=server/conf/local.conf server/run
Create the two following files:
- Application config:
- Logging config:
Then run
- Install heroku CLI
- Then install the deploy plugin with
heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy
sbt dote-web/assembleJarAndDeployToHeroku
Add a new .sql file to server/conf/evolutions/default (file should be numbered sequentially).
Run Play and let it apply the evolution so it can keep track of the schema versioning in your db.
Regenerate the slick scala Tables file by running
sbt slickCodegen/run
, which runs the main class in that project.
sbt "feedScraper/run --help"