This project was a collaborative effort involving two more students for our Software Systems Construction
The project contains:
- JavaFx interface for Students following the MVC pattern;
- REST API to communicate between JavaFX and the backend;
- Web interface for teachers and workers with Server Side Rendering;
- JPA annotations to map the classes to the DB (PostgreSQL);
- The Spring application runs into a Docker container that initializes the Data Base;
- The project was built with Maven, using the Spring framework.
The following users were used to populate the database, with which you can log in:
[email protected]
- Teacher and Administrator of the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering -
[email protected]
- Teacher and Administrator of the Master's Degree in LTI -
[email protected]
- Teacher -
[email protected]
- Worker (CEO of Google) -
[email protected]
- Student -
[email protected]
- Student -
[email protected]
- Student
To initialize docker containers (springBootApp and mySQL) simply run the command:
To compile and generate the springBootApp and javafxApp jars, simply run the command:
mvn package
To run the javafxApp jar, simply double-click on it or execute the command:
mvn javafx:run
To open the web application, simply access localhost port 8080: