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Quentin Rousseau edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 1 revision

File Station API

The FileStation API is an AuthenticatedAPI, that means the user needs to be authenticated before using this API. Fortunately, the AuthenticatedAPI is smart enough to automatically log the user.

The syno object uses the fs (or fileStation alias) property to interact with the FileStation API.

FileStation API



Provide File Station information.


Method Name Description Required params
getFileStationInfo(callback) Provide File Station information -



List all shared folders, enumerate files in a shared folder, and get detailed file information.


Method Name Description Required params
listSharedFolders(params, callback) List all shared folders -
listFiles(params, callback) Enumerate files in a given folder folder_path
getFilesInfo(params, callback) Get information of file(s) path



Search files according to given criteria.

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start to search files with the start method. Then, you should poll requests with list method to get more information, or make a request with the stop method to cancel the operation. Otherwise, search results are stored in a search temporary database so you need to call clean method to delete it at the end of operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startSearch(params, callback) Start to search files according to given criteria. If more than one criterion is given in different parameters, searched files match all these criteria folder_path
stopSearch(params, callback) Stop the searching task(s). The search temporary database won’t be deleted, so it’s possible to list the search result using list method after stopping it folder_path
listSearch(params, callback) List matched files in a search temporary database. You can check the finished value in response to know if the search operation is processing or has been finished taskid
cleanSearches(params, callback) Delete search temporary database(s) -



List all mount point folders of virtual file system, ex: CIFS or ISO.


Method Name Description Required params
listVirtualFolders(params, callback) List all mount point folders on one given type of virtual file system -



Add a folder to user’s favorites or perform operations on user’s favorites.


Method Name Description Required params
listFavorites(params, callback) List user’s favorites -
addFavorite(params, callback) Add a folder to user’s favorites path name
deleteFavorite(params, callback) Delete a favorite in user’s favorites path
cleanBrokenFavorites(params, callback) Delete all broken statuses of favorites -
editFavorite(params, callback) Edit a favorite name -
replaceAllFavorites(params, callback) Replace multiple favorites of folders to the existed user’s favorites path name



Get a thumbnail of a file.


Method Name Description Required params
getThumbnail(params, callback) Get a thumbnail of a file path



Get the accumulated size of files/folders within folder(s).

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start it with the start method. Then, you should poll requests with the status method to get progress status or make a request with stop method to cancel the operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startDirSize(params, callback) Start to calculate size for one or more file/folder paths path
statusDirSize(params, callback) Get the status of the size calculating task taskid
stopDirSize(params, callback) Stop to calculate size taskid



Get MD5 of a file.

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start it with the start method. Then, you should poll requests with status method to get the progress status, or make a request with the stop method to cancel the operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startMD5(params, callback) Start to get MD5 of a file file_path
statusMD5(params, callback) Get the status of the calculating MD5 task taskid
stopMD5(params, callback) Stop calculating the MD5 of a file taskid



Check if a logged-in user has a permission to do file operations on a given folder/file.


Method Name Description Required params
checkWritePermission(params, callback) Check if a logged-in user has write permission to create new files/folders in a given folder path



Generate a sharing link to share files/folders with other people and perform operations on sharing link(s).


Method Name Description Required params
getSharingLinkInfo(params, callback) Get information of a sharing link by the sharing link ID id
listSharingLinks(params, callback) List user’s file sharing links -
createSharingLinks(params, callback) Generate one or more sharing link(s) by file/folder path(s) path
deleteSharingLinks(params, callback) Delete one or more sharing links id
clearInvalidSharingLinks(params, callback) Remove all expired and broken sharing links -
editSharingLinks(params, callback) Edit sharing link(s) id



Create folders.


Method Name Description Required params
createFolder(params, callback) Create folders folder_path name



Rename a file/folder.


Method Name Description Required params
rename(params, callback) Rename a file/folder path name



Copy/move file(s)/folder(s).

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start to copy/move files with start method. Then, you should poll requests with status method to get the progress status, or make a request with stop method to cancel the operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startCopyMove(params, callback) Start to copy/move files path dest_folder_path
statusCopyMove(params, callback) Get the copying/moving status taskid
stopCopyMove(params, callback) Stop a copy/move task taskid



Delete file(s)/folder(s).

There are two kinds of methods; one is a non-blocking method; and the other is a blocking method.

With the non-blocking method, you can start the deletion operation using the start method. Then, you should poll a request with the status method to get more information or make a request with the stop method to cancel the operation.

With the blocking method, you can directly make requests with delete method to delete files/folders, but the response is not returned until the delete operation is completed.


Method Name Description Required params
startDelete(params, callback) Delete file(s)/folder(s) path
statusDelete(params, callback) Get the deleting status taskid
stopDelete(params, callback) Stop a delete task taskid
delete(params, callback) Delete files/folders (blocking) path



Extract an archive and perform operations on archive files.

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start to extract files with start method. Then, you should poll requests with status method to get the progress status, or make a request with the stop method to cancel the operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startExtract(params, callback) Start to extract an archive file_path dest_folder_path
statusExtract(params, callback) Get the extract task status taskid
stopExtract(params, callback) Stop the extract task taskid
listArchiveFiles(params, callback) List archived files contained in an archive file_path



Compress file(s)/folder(s).

This is a non-blocking API. You need to start to compress files with the start method. Then, you should poll requests with the status method to get compress status, or make a request with the stop method to cancel the operation.


Method Name Description Required params
startCompress(params, callback) Start to compress file(s)/folder(s) path dest_folder_path
statusCompress(params, callback) Get the compress task status taskid
stopCompress(params, callback) Stop the compress task taskid



Get information regarding tasks of file operations which is run as the background process including copy, move, delete, compress and extract tasks with non-blocking API/methods. You can use the status method to get more information, or use the stop method to cancel these background tasks in individual API, such as SYNO.FileStation.CopyMove API, SYNO.FileStation.Delete API, SYNO.FileStation.Extract API and SYNO.FileStation.Compress API.


Method Name Description Required params
listBackgroundTasks(params, callback) List all background tasks including copy, move, delete, compress and extract tasks -
clearFinishedBackgroundTasks(params, callback) Delete all finished background tasks -



Download file(s)/folder(s).


Method Name Description Required params
download(params, callback) Download files/folders. If only one file is specified, the file content is responded. If more than one file/folder is given, binary content in ZIP format which they are compressed to is responded path stream

N.B. : stream param must be a Writable Stream



Upload a file.


Method Name Description Required params
upload(params, callback) Upload a file by RFC 1867.
Note that each parameter is passed within each part but binary file data must be the last part dest_folder_path filename

N.B. : It seems like a fex bytes are not sent, dunno why. Still working on it.