A simple SMS framework for sending messages via Twilio.
In your Gemfile add:
gem "minitext"
Install your gems:
bundle install
First set up a gateway:
Minitext.configure do |config|
config.gateway = Minitext::TwilioGateway.new(account_sid: 'your_twilio_account_sid', auth_token: 'your_twilio_auth_token')
Then send some texts:
Minitext.text(from: '1234567890', to: '9876543210', body: 'Hello world').deliver
You can send using a Twilio Messaging Service instead of a from number by specifying it's SID:
Minitext.text(messaging_service_sid: 'your-messaging-service-sid', to: '9876543210', body: 'Hello world').deliver
You can send mms texts with a media_url:
Minitext.text(from: '1234567890', to: '9876543210', body: 'Hello world', media_url: 'http://placekitten.com/200/300').deliver
If you want to restrict the numbers that you can send texts to, use the AllowlistProxy
Set up your allowlist proxy:
Minitext.configure do |config|
allowlist = ['9876543210']
twilio_gateway = Minitext::TwilioGateway.new(account_sid: 'your_twilio_account_sid', auth_token: 'your_twilio_auth_token')
config.gateway = Minitext::AllowlistProxy.new(allowed: allowlist, gateway: twilio_gateway)
Then send some texts:
Minitext.text(from: '1234567890', to: '9876543210', body: 'This text should succeed.').deliver
Minitext.text(from: '1234567890', to: '5559991111', body: 'This text should fail.').deliver
Here are some examples of how you might configure Minitext in different Rails environments.
Minitext.configure do |config|
config.gateway = Minitext::TwilioGateway.new(account_sid: '123', auth_token: 'abc')
# You can set a default `from` number for all messages if you don't want to specify it everywhere you call Minitext.text
# config.message_defaults = { from: '5551234567' }
# Or, you can specify a messaging_service_sid instead:
# config.message_defaults = { messaging_service_sid: 'your_default_messaging_service_sid' }
Minitext.configure do |config|
config.gateway = Minitext::TestGateway.new
Minitext.configure do |config|
# You could allow devs to send messages to themselves in development mode if they start the server with an
# environment variable, like so: `SEND_LIVE_SMS_TO=5551234567 rails s`
allowlist = Array(ENV.fetch("SEND_LIVE_SMS_TO", nil)).compact
twilio_gateway = Minitext::TwilioGateway.new(account_sid: '123', auth_token: 'abc')
config.gateway = Minitext::AllowlistProxy.new(allowed: allowlist, gateway: twilio_gateway)
If you do not specify a gateway via configuration, Minitext uses a TestGateway
object by default.
Example test:
Minitext.text(from: '1234567890', to: '9876543210', body: 'This text should succeed.').deliver
assert_equal 1, Minitext.gateway.deliveries.length
Don't forget to cleanup after yourself in your teardown methods: