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Setting up AltSidesHelper for your map

Luna edited this page Jul 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

To use any of AltSidesHelper's customizations, you'll need to add extra metadata to your map stored in YAML files next to your map.

Similar to Everest's {map name}.meta.yaml, you'll need to create a {map name}.altsideshelper.meta.yaml for every map you want to customize, or add as an alt-side.

Notes for alt-side maps

When making an alt-side, save it as a .bin as usual. The map file must not end in -B, -C, -H, or -X, or otherwise be recognized as a B-Side or C-Side by Everest - that will produce crashes. Ensure that the map is sorted last alphabetically, such as by appending Z- or 99- to the start - not doing so can mess up your campaign's overworld (sorry!).

For the A-Side

An "A-Side" is used here to refer to a regular map that's being customized, or the A-Side for a map with alt-sides. Here's an example for the A-Side map examplemodder/ExampleMod/ExampleMap.bin's alt-side meta:

- OverrideVanillaSideData: true
  Preset: "a-side"
  ShowHeartPoem: true
- Map: "examplemodder/ExampleMod/ExampleMap-D"
  Preset: "d-side"
  ShowBerriesAsGolden: true

This file would modify the A-Side's heart to show no text when collected, and add the map examplemodder/ExampleMod/ExampleMap-D.bin as a D-Side (using AltSidesHelper's D-Side assets) that shows it's berries as golden berries on the chapter panel.

If you're not familiar with the YAML format, I recommend using a YAML validator website to check your formatting. In short: each bullet point starts another entry, which can either be an additional map added as an alt-side (by specifying the Map field), or a set of customizations to be applied to the A-Side (by specifying OverrideVanillaSideData: true). The full list of fields that can be set is detailed in the Fields section below.

For the alt-side

Here's what the alt-side meta for the D-Side in the previous example would look like.

  IsAltSide: true
  For: "examplemodder/ExampleMod/ExampleMap"

There's not much to be customised here. IsAltSide should be set to true for any map that is an alt-side, so that it can be hidden from the overworld. For should be set to the ID (path minus .bin) for the A-Side, so that AltSidesHelper can find it's customizations.

The field CopyEndScreenData can be set, and defaults to true. When on, the alt-side will use the end screen of the A-Side when completed (with different text). If this is disabled, you can set it separately in the {map name}.meta.yaml like normal.

CopyTitle can be set, and defaults to true. When on, the alt-side will use the title of the A-Side. If this is disabled, you will need to set the title seperately using a language file like normal.