This project explores relationships between factors of a data set of spotify popularity ratings.
The project branches contain the following:
- Presentation.pptx -- powerpoint with our major findings
- spotify_popularityBS.ipynb -- contains code related to initial data cleaning and the following regression analyses:
- accousticness vs popularity (outputted as acousticvspop.png)
- dancability vs popularity (outputted as dancevspop.png)
- enegery vs popularity (outputted as energyvspop.png)
- instrumentation vs popularity (outputted as instrumentvspop.png)
- liveness versus popularity (outputted as livevspop.png)
- loudness vs popularity (outputted as loudvspop.png)
- speechiness vs popularity (outputted as speechvspop.png)
- tempo vs popularity (outputted as tempovspop.png)
- valence (i.e., happiness) vs popularity (outputted as valancevspop.png)
- output_data folder -- contains the image files mentioned previously
- Project 1 Writeup Final.docx -- a brief write-up of our major findings
- spotify_popularity_LD.ipynb -- contains code related to analysis of the following:
- correlation heatmap between acoustic factors (outputted also as CorrelationHeatMap.png)
- popularity of explicit vs non-explicit songs (outputted as PopvsExplicit.png)
- popularity based on genre (outputted as PopvsGenre.png)
- resources folder that contains the second dataset that focused on genres (genres_v2 2.csv)
- investigating_dfs.ipynb -- notebook used for initial exploration and planning for artist-track analyses
- artist_tracks.ipynb -- notebook with code and analyses related to the following analyses & generates the accompanying image files:
- box plot of the number of tracks artists have (Artist_Tracks_BoxPlot.png)
- number of tracks an artist has compared the the mean popularity of their tracks (01_Tracks_by_Mean_Pop_Post-1950.png, 02_Tracks_by_Mean_Pop_Non-Outliers.png, 03_Tracks_by_Mean_Pop_Outliers.png)
- number of tracks an artist has compared to the maximum popularity of their tracks (04_Tracks_by_Max_Pop_Post-1950.png, 05_Tracks_by_Max_Pop_Non-Outliers.png, 06_Tracks_by_Max_Pop_Outliers.png)
- relative release order of artists' releases vs popularity (07_Tracks_by_Max_Pop_Outliers.png, 08_Relative_Release_by_Max_Pop.png)
- release year by popularity for full dataset (popbyrelease.png)