Made with 8 Led displays (8X8) driven with Max 7219) wired to a wifi processor NodeMCU (ESP8266 Processor), this tool parses the return of a CGI script who list Nagios Alerts.
When there's no alerts, a scrolling dot is displayed every 5s.
Alert is composed of server name, service name and service status.
Multiples alerts can be aggregated.
1/ Wire your ESP + eight 8X8 Led matrix led display 2/ Install Arduino 1.6+ and ESP8266 adruino addon (see ) 3/ Get NagiosScroller.ino 4/ Adapt it for wfi credentials, const char* ssid = "SSID"; const char* password = "PASSWPRD"; 5/ Adapt if for your text.cgi location const char* url = "/nagios/cgi-bin/text.cgi"; const char* host = ""; 5/ Upload text.cgi to the required location (normally, the same as nagios.cgi) 6/ Test it and enjoy :)