Prototype whereby an individual can login to and request a review of either a BJJ technique, tournament match or casual roll from a learned instructor.
Initial supported video formats will be youtube with subsequent support for vimeo and dailymotion.
There are two key user profiles:
- Student
- Instructor
When a student logs in, they will see a dashboard of videos they have requested for review and their status ('in progress', 'review complete')
When an instructor logs in, they will see a dashboard of videos from students who have requested a review. An instructor will have the ability to annotate the video and/or provide final comments or even a video of their own. Students will be able to rate the instructors based on the quality of comments delivered.
Pricing will be based on instructors choice with extra money being spent on video or audio responses.
The purpose of this service is to bridge the gap between avid practitioners without proper access to higher level instructors.