Swaggo is a swagger definition generator written in go. Just add comments in your code.
All swaggo comments begin with @
For more information:
./swaggo --help
go get
go build
Tables are describing the directives. Occurence columns means how many times this must appear in a block of comments
Directive | occurence | Description |
@APITitle {title string} |
1 | API title |
@APIVersion {version string} |
0/1 | API version |
@APIDescription {description string} |
0/1 | API description |
@APIConsumes {content-type string} |
0/n | What consumes the API |
@APIProduces {content-type string} |
0/n | What produces the API |
@Contact {email string} |
0/1 | API contact |
@TermsOfServiceUrl {url string} |
0/1 | URL or the terms of service |
@License {licence string} |
0/1 | Type of licence |
@LicenseUrl {url string} |
0/1 | URL of the licence |
Here is an example of the general information of your API.
// @APIVersion 1.0.0
// @APITitle Landru descriptor
// @APIDescription This is an example of the swagger descriptor
// @Contact [email protected]
// @TermsOfServiceUrl https://www.teamwork.com/termsofservice
// @License BSD
// @LicenseUrl http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
// @APIProduces application/json
// @APIProduces application/xml
// @APIConsumes application/json
Other mendatory parameters are passed through the command line:
./swaggo --api-basepath /v1 --api-host localhost:8080 --api-scheme http --ouptut my-swagger.json
Sub-routes are declared like following (comments must be in the same block).
Directive | occurence | Description |
@SubApi {title string} [{resource string}] |
1 | Declare a sub-route |
@SubApi {description string} |
0/1 | Sub-route description |
@Router {route string} |
0/1 | Sub-route value; if not defined route will be the resource |
@Resource {subRoute string} |
0/1 | Parent sub-route |
In this exemple, /user
is an internal reference (@Resource)
// @SubApi Users [/users]
// @SubApi Allows you access to different features of the users , login , get status etc [/users]
You can also create a child sub-route with no name (so that, it will not be register as tag).
// @SubApi [my-recource]
// @Router /my/great/uri
// @Resource /user
Now, declaring a route with resource my-recource will build a path /user/my/great/uri
Directive | occurence | Description |
@Title {title string} |
1 | Route title |
@Description {description string} |
1 | Route description |
@Deprecated |
0/1 | Makes the route deprecated |
@Accept {content-type string} |
0/n | What consumes the route |
@Produces {content-type string} |
0/n | What produces the route |
@Success {code int} {type string} {description string} |
0/n | Success return code |
@Failure {code int} {type string} {description string} |
0/n | Failure return code |
@param {name string} {path/body/query} {string/number/boolean} {required boolean} {description string} |
0/n | Form line |
@Resource {subRoute string} |
1 | Sub-route |
@Router {uri string} [{method string}] |
1 | Method and uri |
Routes are declared like this (Note that there is the @Resource /user
// @Title Get Users Information
// @Description Get Users Information
// @Accept application/json
// @Param userId path int true "User ID"
// @Success 200 {object} string "Success"
// @Failure 401 {object} string "Access denied"
// @Failure 404 {object} string "Not Found"
// @Resource /users
// @Router /:userId.json [get]
Declare object or array definitions this definition can be used as type
in @success
or @failure
Directive | occurence | Description |
@structure {name string} {object/array} |
1 | Name and type of the definition |
@property {name string} {type string} [{format string}] |
0/n | object property see Swagger data types |
@property {type string} [{format string}] |
0/1 | array property |
// @structure sail.Sail object
// @property id string
// @property name string
// @property type string
// @property boat boat.Boat
// @property available boolean
// @structure boat.Boat object
// @property id string
// @property name string
// @property maxSpeed number double
// @structure sail.Sails array
// @property sail.Sail