This repository contains extensions and custom viewers for Clojure's Clerk, designed to help bike tourists and ultra-cyclists to plan multi-day routes.
Traditional tools (Komoot, Strava,, and so on…) focus on planning the route itself, in some cases (Komoot) providing extra tools to divide the route into multiple same-length days.
assumes the user already have a GPX track defined
(provided for example by the organizers of a bike event), and let the
user plan the daily effort to a higher granularity.
After a data structure called plan is defined, rando-planner
provides different types of visualization that can be used to study
different strategies to cover the distance.
The visualizations include:
- A map visualization (based on Leaflet) of the route, with markers corresponding to the location reached after each day is completed.
- A schematic diagram of the plan, showing the running count of kilometers, the corresponding elevation reached at each moment, when scheduled pauses will happen, when the Sun rises and sets (WIP), and the total amount of kilometers accumulated every day
Add rando-planner
as a dependency in your project. For example:
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
rando-planner/rando-planner {:git/url ""
:git/tag "tagname"
:git/sha "xxxxxxxx"}}}
Then, in a src/user.clj
(ns user)
(require '[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk])
(clerk/serve! {:watch-paths ["notebooks" "src"]})
When jacking-in the project a HTTP server should start, answering on
port 7777. At this point you can start editing notebooks (I typically
use the directory notebooks
to store them) using the facilities
provided by rando-planner.
(def example-plan
{:gpx "gpx/be-rostock.gpx"
:daily-plans [{:date "2024-04-01"
:label "First day"
:average-speed 20
:color "red"
:activities [{:start "10:00" :type :ride :length 3}
{:start "17:00" :type :ride :length 2}
{:start "20:00" :type :ride :length 3}]}
{:date "2024-04-02"
:label "Second day"
:average-speed 18
:activities [{:start "10:00" :type :ride :length 4}
{:start "16:00" :type :ride :length 2.5}]}]})
The screenshots below were automatically generated using
, as defined above.