Build status:
The steps below explain how to get started with your own deployment of the OpenRoberta programming environment.
After a fresh git clone you get the robertalab project folder. It includes everything you need to setup and extend your own browser programming environment. License information is available in the docs folder.
Things you need on your computer:
- Java 1.7
- Maven >= 3.2
- Phantomjs
- Git
- Web browser
Please also check our wiki for a detailed install instruction, development procedure, coding conventions and further reading. Please also checkout our project issue tracker.
git clone git://
cd robertalab/OpenRobertaParent
mvn clean install
Get a coffee! Might take a couple of minutes.
A successful build looks like:
[INFO] ---------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] RobertaParent ..................SUCCESS
[INFO] Resources ......................SUCCESS
[INFO] OpenRobertaShared ..............SUCCESS
[INFO] OpenRobertaRuntime .............SUCCESS
[INFO] EV3Menu ........................SUCCESS
[INFO] OpenRobertaRobot ...............SUCCESS
[INFO] OpenRobertaServer ..............SUCCESS
[INFO] OpenRobertaUSB .................SUCCESS
[INFO] ---------------------------------------
cd .. # return to the root folder
./ --start # start the server using default properties
You can also run ./ --help
for more options.
cd ../OpenRobertaServer # go to the folder of the server resources and the database
java -cp target/resources/\* de.fhg.iais.roberta.main.ServerStarter --properties --ip --port 1999
Start your browser at: http://localhost:1999
That's it!