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Julian Zilz edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 1 revision

Test Plan deegree webconsole (Status 02.02.2022)

Main Item "general"

Test Case-01: Import, start, delete, create and upload workspace

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks the "workspaces" tab. A page with "Workspace management" opens.
02 The user selects one of the listed workspaces under "Import an official workspace" and clicks the "Import" button. The selected workspace is imported and listed under "Available workspaces".
03.1 The user selects the workspace imported in step 02 under "Available workspaces" and clicks the "Start" button. The workspace is now active and is listed under "Active workspace".
03.2 The user selects the workspace imported in step 02 under "Available workspaces" and clicks the "Delete" button. The workspace is deleted from "Available workspaces".
04 The user enters an identifier under "Create a new workspace" and clicks the "Create new" button. The created workspace is listed under "Available workspaces".
05 The user clicks the "Choose File" button under "Upload workspace" and selects an existing workspace in the file browser of the respective operating system. The selected workspace is temporarily displayed in the interface.
06 The user clicks the "Upload" button. The uploaded workspace is listed under "Available workspaces".

Main Item "web services"

Test Case-02: Create, edit, deactivate and delete web services


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.
Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "services" tab. A page with the workspace's "Web services" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create New" button. A new page named "Create new service" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective service type and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created web service is listed under "Web services".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the web service created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the web service can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Web Services" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the web service created in step 02. The web service is displayed as "off" in the interface, the "Capabilities" button disappears.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the web service deactivated in step 05.1. The web service is displayed as "on" in the interface, the "Capabilities" button appears.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the web service created in step 02. The web service is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-03: Integrate WFS and WMS in QGIS


  • The QGIS software must be installed on the computer, optionally also with the WFS 2.0 Client Plugin.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks the "Capabilities" button for a WFS. A new tab opens with a GetCapabilities request for the previously selected WFS.
02 The user copies the URL of the new tab. Then they integrate this URL as a new WFS connection in QGIS. The connection is displayed in QGIS and can be expanded.
03 The user expands the WFS connection in QGIS. Depending on the WFS used, one or more FeatureTypes are displayed.
04 The user displays the FeatureTypes in QGIS. Depending on the complexity of the data, QGIS may not be able to graphically display the FeatureTypes in the user interface.
05 The user repeats steps 01-03 with a WMS. The layers provided by the service are displayed in QGIS.
06 The user displays the layers in QGIS. The respective WMS layer is graphically displayed in the QGIS user interface.

Main Item "data stores"

Test Case-04: Create, edit, deactivate and delete coverage store


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "coverage" tab. A page with the workspace's "Coverage stores" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new coverage" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created coverage store is listed under "Coverage stores".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the coverage store created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the coverage store can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Coverage stores" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the coverage store created in step 02. The coverage store is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the coverage store deactivated in step 05.1. The coverage store is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the coverage store created in step 02. The coverage store is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-05: Create, edit, deactivate and delete feature store


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "feature" tab. A page with the workspace's "Feature stores" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new feature store" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created feature store is listed under "Feature stores".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the feature store created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the feature store can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Feature stores" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the feature store created in step 02. The feature store is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the feature store deactivated in step 05.1. The feature store is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the feature store created in step 02. The feature store is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-06: Create, edit, deactivate and delete metadata store


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "metadata" tab. A page with the workspace's "Metadata stores" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new metadata store" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created metadata store is listed under "Metadata stores".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the metadata store created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the metadata store can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Metadata stores" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the metadata store created in step 02. The metadata store is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the metadata store deactivated in step 05.1. The metadata store is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the metadata store created in step 02. The metadata store is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-07: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete tile store


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "tile" tab. A page with the workspace's "Tile stores" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new tile store" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created tile store is listed under "Tile stores".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the tile store created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the tile store can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Tile stores" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the tile store created in step 02. The tile store is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the tile store deactivated in step 05.1. The tile store is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the tile store created in step 02. The tile store is deleted and no longer listed.

Main Item "map layers"

Test Case-08: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete layers


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "layers" tab. A page with the workspace's "Layers" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new layer" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created layer is listed under "Layers".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the layer created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the layer can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Layers" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the layer created in step 02. The layer is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the layer deactivated in step 05.1. The layer is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the layer created in step 02. The layer is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-09: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete layer styles


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "styles" tab. A page with the workspace's "Layer styles" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new layer" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created layer style is listed under "Layer styles".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the layer style created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the layer style can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Layer styles" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the layer style created in step 02. The layer style is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the layer style deactivated in step 05.1. The layer style is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the layer style created in step 02. The layer style is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-10: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete layer themes


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "styles" tab. A page with the workspace's "Layer themes" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new layer" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created layer theme is listed under "Layer themes".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the layer theme created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the layer theme can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Layer themes" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the layer theme created in step 02. The layer theme is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the layer theme deactivated in step 05.1. The layer theme is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the layer theme created in step 02. The layer theme is deleted and no longer listed.

Main Item "connections"

Test Case-11: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete database connection


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "databases" tab. A page with the workspace's "SQL database connections" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new database connection" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created database connection is listed under "SQL database connections".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the database connection created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the database connection can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "SQL database connections" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the database connection created in step 02. The database connection is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the database connection deactivated in step 05.1. The database connection is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the database connection created in step 02. The database connection is deleted and no longer listed.

Test Case-12: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete remote service connection


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "remote services" tab. A page with the workspace's "Remote service connections" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new remote OWS connection" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created remote service connection is listed under "Remote service connections".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the remote service connection created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the remote service connection can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Remote service connections" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the remote service connection created in step 02. The remote service connection is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the remote service connection deactivated in step 05.1. The remote service connection is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the remote service connection created in step 02. The remote service connection is deleted and no longer listed.

Main Item "processes"

Test Case-13: Create, edit, deactivate, and delete process provider


  • Step 03.1 from Test Case-01 has been successfully completed.

Test Case

Step Description Expected Result
01 The user clicks on the "provider" tab. A page with the workspace's "Process providers" opens.
02.1 The user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page named "Create new process provider" opens.
02.2 The user enters an identifier, selects the respective configuration and an XML configuration template. Then the user clicks the "Create new" button. A new page opens where the created XML configuration template can be edited.
02.3 The user clicks the "Save" button without making any changes. The created process provider is listed under "Process providers".
03 The user clicks the "Edit" button for the process provider created in step 02. A new page opens where the XML configuration of the process provider can be edited.
04 The user clicks the "Cancel" button in the XML configuration. The XML configuration is closed and the "Process providers" page is displayed.
05.1 The user clicks the "Deactivate" button for the process provider created in step 02. The process provider is displayed as "off" in the interface.
05.2 The user clicks the "Activate" button for the process provider deactivated in step 05.1. The process provider is displayed as "on" in the interface.
05.3 The user clicks the "Delete" button for the process provider created in step 02. The process provider is deleted and no longer listed.
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