This application allows users to track actions and create new habits!
- As a user, when I want to start & track habits, I want an application that will help me do so.
- As a user, when I track my habits, I want an account to help me do so
- As a user, when I want to create an account, I want a form that will let me enter my unique username and password to create my account
- As a user, if I try to create an account with an existing username, I want to be notified that the username is in use
- As a user, when I want to log in, I want a form that lets me enter my credentials
- As a user, when I log in to my account, I want to see my existing habits
- As a user, when I see my habits, I want to be able to log that I have done it
- As a user, when I see my habits, I want to see if I have a streak of completing the habit
- As a user, when I want to delete a habit, I want a button that allows me to delete it
- As a user, when I want to add a habit, I want to be able to specify the habit at the frequency at what I want to complete it and a button to add the habit
- As a user, when I am done using the app, I want to be able to log out of my account
Instructions to get this project up and running on your local PC for development and testing purposes.
- Open the terminal in the project directory and write this command line.
git clone
npm install
this installs all the npm dependencies for this project
then cd to client/ and npm install to install dependicies for the client side
npm test
this runs automated tests to make sure that the application can run without errors
In the terminal run
npm test
This runs automated tests to make sure that you can connect to the database
In the terminal type
npm start
This starts the express development server.
By default the website will run on port 3000
Go to http://localhost:3000/ in the browser. You should now see the website.
To seed the database go to: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/seed
This will seed database habits_db with two collections Users and Habits.
Lawrencia (@lawcia) | Brian M (@chipembere) | Aaron (@AaronM97)