Nextflow pipeline to align, variant call (SNP's, indels's, SV's) and phase long read ONT and/or pacbio HiFi data.
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
flowchart LR
input_data("Input data: \n\n ONT fastq.gz \n and/or \n ONT fastq \n and/or \n ONT uBAM \n and/or \n pacbio HiFi uBAM")
merging{{"Merge runs (if needed)"}}
alignment{{"bam to fastq conversion (if needed), alignment, sorting"}}
depth{{"Calculate alignment depth"}}
snp_indel_calling{{"SNP/indel variant calling"}}
snp_indel_phasing{{"SNP/indel phasing"}}
haplotagging{{"Haplotagging bams"}}
sv_calling{{"Structural variant calling"}}
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
flowchart LR
ont_data_f1("Sample 1 \n\n Input data: \n\n ONT fastq.gz")
ont_data_f2("Sample 1 \n\n Input data: \n\n ONT fastq.gz")
pacbio_data_f3("Sample 2 \n\n Input data: \n\n Pacbio HiFi uBAM")
pacbio_data_f4("Sample 2 \n\n Input data: \n\n Pacbio HiFi uBAM")
ont_data_f5("Sample 3 \n\n Input data: \n\n ONT fastq")
ont_data_f6("Sample 4 \n\n Input data: \n\n ONT uBAM")
merging_m1{{"Description: merge runs \n\n Main tools: GNU coreutils \n\n Commands: cat"}}
merging_m2{{"Description: merge runs \n\n Main tools: Samtools \n\n Commands: samtools merge"}}
alignment_s1{{"Description: alignment, sorting \n\n Main tools: Minimap2 and Samtools \n\n Commands: minimap2 and samtools sort"}}
alignment_s2{{"Description: alignment, sorting \n\n Main tools: Minimap2 and Samtools \n\n Commands: minimap2 and samtools sort"}}
alignment_s3{{"Description: bam to fastq conversion, alignment, sorting \n\n Main tools: Minimap2 and Samtools \n\n Commands: minimap2 and samtools sort"}}
alignment_s4{{"Description: bam to fastq conversion, alignment, sorting \n\n Main tools: Minimap2 and Samtools \n\n Commands: minimap2 and samtools sort"}}
depth_s1{{"Description: calculate alignment depth \n\n Main tools: Samtools \n\n Commands: samtools depth"}}
depth_s2{{"Description: calculate alignment depth \n\n Main tools: Samtools \n\n Commands: samtools depth"}}
depth_s3{{"Description: calculate alignment depth \n\n Main tools: Samtools \n\n Commands: samtools depth"}}
depth_s4{{"Description: calculate alignment depth \n\n Main tools: Samtools \n\n Commands: samtools depth"}}
snp_indel_calling_s1{{"Description: SNP/indel variant calling \n\n Main tools: Clair3 or DeepVariant (NVIDIA Parabricks) \n\n Commands: run_clair3.sh or pbrun deepvariant"}}
snp_indel_calling_s2{{"Description: SNP/indel variant calling \n\n Main tools: Clair3 or DeepVariant (NVIDIA Parabricks) \n\n Commands: run_clair3.sh or pbrun deepvariant"}}
snp_indel_calling_s3{{"Description: SNP/indel variant calling \n\n Main tools: Clair3 or DeepVariant (NVIDIA Parabricks) \n\n Commands: run_clair3.sh or pbrun deepvariant"}}
snp_indel_calling_s4{{"Description: SNP/indel variant calling \n\n Main tools: Clair3 or DeepVariant (NVIDIA Parabricks) \n\n Commands: run_clair3.sh or pbrun deepvariant"}}
snp_indel_phasing_s1{{"Description: SNP/indel phasing \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap phase"}}
snp_indel_phasing_s2{{"Description: SNP/indel phasing \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap phase"}}
snp_indel_phasing_s3{{"Description: SNP/indel phasing \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap phase"}}
snp_indel_phasing_s4{{"Description: SNP/indel phasing \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap phase"}}
haplotagging_s1{{"Description: haplotagging bams \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap haplotag"}}
haplotagging_s2{{"Description: haplotagging bams \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap haplotag"}}
haplotagging_s3{{"Description: haplotagging bams \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap haplotag"}}
haplotagging_s4{{"Description: haplotagging bams \n\n Main tools: WhatsHap \n\n Commands: whatshap haplotag"}}
sv_calling_s1{{"Description: structural variant calling \n\n Main tools: Sniffles2 and/or cuteSV \n\n Commands: sniffles and/or cuteSV"}}
sv_calling_s2{{"Description: structural variant calling \n\n Main tools: Sniffles2 and/or cuteSV \n\n Commands: sniffles and/or cuteSV"}}
sv_calling_s3{{"Description: structural variant calling \n\n Main tools: Sniffles2 and/or cuteSV \n\n Commands: sniffles and/or cuteSV"}}
sv_calling_s4{{"Description: structural variant calling \n\n Main tools: Sniffles2 and/or cuteSV \n\n Commands: sniffles and/or cuteSV"}}
- ONT and pacbio HiFi data
- WGS and targeted
- hg38 or hs1 reference genome
- Minimap2
- Clair3 OR DeepVariant (wrapped in NVIDIA Parabricks)
- WhatsHap
- Sniffles2 AND/OR cuteSV
- Samtools
- ONT/pacbio HiFi FASTQ (gzipped or uncompressed) or unaligned BAM
- Indexed reference genome
- Clair3 models (if running Clair3)
- Regions of interest BED file
- Tandem repeat BED file
- Aligned, sorted and haplotagged bam
- Clair3 or DeepVariant phased SNP/indel VCF file
- Clair3 or DeepVariant SNP/indel gVCF file
- Phased Sniffles2 and/or un-phased cuteSV SV VCF file
- Running pipeline on Australia's National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)
- Access to if89 project on National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)
- Access to pipeline dependencies:
- Nextflow and it's java dependency. Validated to run on:
- Nextflow 24.04.1
- Java version 17.0.2
- Nextflow and it's java dependency. Validated to run on:
See a walkthrough for how to run pipeface on NCI.