Releases: lecode-official/pytorch-federated-learning
Releases · lecode-official/pytorch-federated-learning
v0.1.0 Initial Release
- Initial release
- Implements federated averaging using an arbitrary number of clients
- Implements a non-federated learning baseline to which federated learning algorithms can be compared
- Supports client sub-sampling, i.e., only a subset of all clients participates in each communication round
- Extensively logs hyperparameters and training statistics
- Intelligently retains model checkpoint files
- Training statistics can be plotted
- Supports the following models:
- LeNet-5
- VGG11
- Supports the following datasets:
- CIFAR-10
- Supports Linux on AMD64 and MacOS on ARM64
- Performed extensive experiments on all supported models and datasets using various numbers of clients and recorded the results in the read me