This is a small tool which helps creating pull requests for casks of jetbrains products.
brew update (which updates all the casks)
retrieve list of latest releases from jetbrains
compare list of latest releases to current versions in homebrew-cask
check if there are open pull requests which touch the outdated casks
For any outdated cask which has no open PR:
- update version and sha256
brew style --cask --fix "${cask}"
brew audit --cask --online "${cask}"
- create and commit branch
- create PR
This algorithm is runs on GitHub Actions. The workflow definition can be found here.
- appcode
- clion
- datagrip
- goland
- intellij-idea
- intellij-idea-ce
- jetbrains-toolbox
- mps
- phpstorm
- pycharm
- pycharm-ce
- pycharm-with-anaconda-plugin
- pycharm-ce-with-anaconda-plugin
- pycharm-edu
- rider
- rubymine
- webstorm
- youtrack-workflow
- node, yarn, git, p7zip, coreutils, findutils
- brew with tap brew-cask
- copy
and fill the file in
Then simply run:
bash ./