A plugin for the Salesforce CLI built by Mikkel Flindt Heisterberg to allow you to update the localization values on the created users object. This allows you to set the user interface language, the locale of the user (date/time formats) and the timezone of the user from the command line.
- Install the SDFX CLI.
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:lekkimworld/sfdx-l18n-plugin.git
- Link the plugin:
sfdx plugins:link .
- Install plugin:
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-l18n-plugin
Below example will use the plugin to change the user language for from default language to English. Same approach can be used to set the locale and timezone.
Create project
$ sfdx force:project:create -n foo
target dir = /Users/mheisterberg/m
create foo/sfdx-project.json
create foo/README.md
create foo/config/project-scratch-def.json
Enter project
$ cd foo
Create a new scratch org - by default created with users locale - Danish in my case
$ sfdx force:org:create -s -a org1 -f config/project-scratch-def.json
Successfully created scratch org: 00D7E0000000sWFUAY, username: test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net
List SFDX commands
$ sfdx --help
Usage: sfdx COMMAND
Help topics, type sfdx help TOPIC for more details:
force tools for the Salesforce developer l18n Various commands for user localization (l18n) plugins manage plugins update update CLI
List languages in scratch org�
$ sfdx l18n:list:languages -u test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net
Engelsk = en_US
Tysk = de
Spansk = es
Fransk = fr
Italiensk = it
Japansk = ja
Svensk = sv
Koreansk = ko
Kinesisk (traditionel) = zh_TW
Kinesisk (forenklet) = zh_CN
Portugisisk (Brasilien) = pt_BR
Hollandsk = nl_NL
Dansk = da
Thailandsk = th
Finsk = fi
Russisk = ru
Spansk (Mexico) = es_MX
Norsk = no
Get the current config for the user (shows language is set to Danish)
$ sfdx l18n:user:get -u test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net
Locale: da_DK
Language: da
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Set language to English
$ sfdx l18n:user:set -u test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net --language en_US
Get the new config for the user (shows language is now English)
$ sfdx l18n:user:get -u test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net
Locale: da_DK
Language: en_US
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Open the scratch org (will open in English)
$ sfdx force:org:open
(org opens in English)
JSON output supported
sfdx l18n:user:get -u test-a2ngdpsb8cvs@mheisterberg_company.net --json