This project is no longer maintained. If you're interested in taking over maintainership, please feel free to contact @Bnyro.
Native Gtk client for Lemmy (beta)
Platform | Command |
Flathub | |
AUR | paru -S lemoa-git |
Void Linux | xbps-install -S lemoa |
If you don't use any of these platforms, consider building the app from source.
- Listing trending or subcribed posts
- Viewing posts and their comments
- Viewing own profile and other user accounts
- Viewing and searching communities
- Logging in with an account
- Writing, editing and deleting posts or comments
- {,Un-}Following communities
- {Up,Down}-Voting posts or comments
- Viewing the personal inbox (mentions, replies)
- Reading and writing private messages
- Saving posts and comments as bookmarks
In order to apply a different theme when using Flatpak, run
flatpak override --filesystem=/usr/share/themes/
flatpak override --env GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark
You can replace Adwaita-dark
with the name of any other Gtk theme you have installed.
If you don't use Flatpak, the correct Gtk Theme should be applied automatically.
- rust
- cargo
- pkg-config
- libgtk-4-dev or gtk4-devel (name depends on the distro)
meson --prefix="/usr" _build
ninja -C _build
sudo ninja -C _build install
sudo docker build --no-cache . -t lemoa:latest
CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker create --name lemoa -t lemoa:latest)
sudo docker cp $(CONTAINER_ID):/root/lemoa/target/release/lemoa .
Once the build is done, there will be an executable lemoa
binary file in your current directory, executing it starts Lemoa 🎉.
Not recommended: To only install the binary (can only be started with the terminal), run
cargo install --git
You can then start the app via the terminal after adding cargo's bin directory to your PATH variable.
Clone the repository and run
cargo run
- Original Icon by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
- Modified icon with gradient by Ategon
- Relm4 for providing such an awesome Gtk crate for Rust
Lemoa is licensed under the GNU General Public License: You can use, study and share it as you want.