Inside saved_model/1/
, there are two folders named variables/
and saved_model.pb
Inside variables/
, there are two files, namely variables.index
and variables.data-00000-of-00001
Since github doesn't allow large files, variables.data-00000-of-00001
can't be uploaded. Download it from the last Session
We need both variables/
and model.pb
to utilize the model.
Note that in saved_model/1/variables/
we need to add the model's appropriate logged variables
can be replaced with any pre-trained model. Try using different models e.g SSD
but must be provided with according variables
and model.pb
Note that Changing Inference Server
may affect the Model Format
Use the Model Format
accordingly which is supported by the type of Inference Server
simply create new directory and pull this repo
To run the TF-Serving, you must have already installed docker and TF-Serving image
After that bind the ports: and docker run that container by this cmd:
sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8500:8500 --name od --mount type=bind,source=/home/...USR_DIR.../tf_obj_detect_faster_rcnn/saved_model,target=/models/od -e MODEL_NAME=od -t tensorflow/serving:latest-gpu
At last simply run 'app.py' and upload the images, TF-serving will inference and give back the results
python app.py
to build docker composesudo docker compose up --build
docker compose up
to create container images and up-running, if you have already runsudo docker compose up --build
, you can neglect the below cmd:sudo docker compose up
stop and remove container images:
sudo docker compose down