🧱 Set up a modern Siler app by running one command.
composer create-project siler/app my-app
Runs CLI SAPI built-in web server on port 8080.
Runs Swoole web server on port 9501.
Runs Docker using Dwoole on port 9501 as well.
It uses ramsey/devtools
with Pest override for test:unit
analyze:phpstan Runs the PHPStan static analyzer.
analyze:psalm Runs the Psalm static analyzer.
build:clean Removes everything from the build directory that is not under version control.
build:clear-cache Removes everything from build/cache that is not under version control.
lint:fix Checks source code for coding standards issues and fixes them, if possible.
test:all Runs linting, static analysis, and unit tests.
test:coverage:ci Runs the unit test suite and generates a Clover coverage report.
test:coverage:html Runs the unit test suite and generates an HTML coverage report.
test:unit Runs the unit test suite.
Is a good place to startup your application, things like database connections, dependency injection containers, setups etc.
Is called on each request, is a good place for routes and things that depends on the current request.