- Execute the next command in the root folder (at the same level of "server" folder), in order to install all the npm libraries (node_modules) needed for using this RESTful server in your backend.
npm install
npm update
- Go to the folder "server" and execute the server.js file with the tool nodemon (
cd server
npm i -g nodemon
nodemon server.js
npm start --> This command executes "start": "node server/server.js" of package.json. This one must exist to deploy the App in "Heroku Application Platform".
npm run nodemon --> This command executes "nodemon server/server.js" of package.json
- Heroku: Cloud Application Platform --> Public Environment deployed
- CURRENT deployed Server (baseUrl) -->
- Supported requests:
- HTTP GET byId TypeI --> {{baseUrl}}/usuario/{{id}}
- HTTP GET bySearchQuery TypeII --> {{baseUrl}}/usuario?fromPaging=0&resultLimit=10 || {{baseUrl}}/usuario?fromPaging=0&_count=10
* HTTP POST for creating "usuario" --> {{baseUrl}}/usuario * Body request e.g.
"edad": 32,
"email":"[email protected]",
"role" : "USER_ROLE"
* HTTP DELETE byId --> {{baseUrl}}/usuario/{{id}}
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.