A property wrapper type that reflects a dependency injected using DependencyContainer
@Dependency(\.aService) var aService
example to implement AService struct
struct AService {
fileprivate public static let shared = AService()
private init() {}
public var example: Foo {
public func example() -> Foo {
public struct AServiceDependencyKey: LazyDependencyKey {
public static var lazyValue:AService?
extension DependencyContainer {
public var aService: AService {
get { Self[AServiceDependencyKey.self] }
set { Self[AServiceDependencyKey.self] = newValue }
static func setAService(){
DependencyContainer.set(initialValue: AService.shared, key: AServiceDependencyKey.self)
- Somewhere on your app launch code (Appdelegate)
private extension AppDelegate {
func setupDependencies() {
DependencyContainer.set ....
idea: https://apiumhub.com/tech-blog-barcelona/native-dependency-injection-in-swift/
Swift Subscripts: https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/subscripts/