Almost ready for standalone usage :rocket:
Pre-releaseBetter releases
compiler: automatic function reference arities! As see in #10
compiler: We're ignoring all fresh type variables when translating to Dialyzer
specs for now. More work will be done in #20 -
caramelc compile
now supports multiple--target
so you can compile both archives and Erlang sources at once. -
caramelc: standard library will now by default be in the respective
installation directory (respecting dune install conventions) -
has been renamed toProcess.make/1
we have support for module attributes (see #21) -
stdlib: Dropped top-level namespacing until we figure out how it can
work best with .merlin -
ci: several changes to release flow, including a nicer folder
structure in the tarball -
ci: entire codebase is instrumentabled by bisect_ppx now to start
gathering coverage reports -
erlang: removed an unused helper