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A technical solution for a real-time quiz feature for an English learning application.

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Create a technical solution for a real-time quiz feature for an English learning application. This feature will allow users to answer questions in real-time, compete with others, and see their scores updated live on a leaderboard.



High-Level Architecture

This document provides a high-level overview of the architecture of a real-time quiz application.

The app is built on microsevice architecture, integrates between technologies, including Node.js (Nest.js), PostgresQL, Caching with Redis, and Messaging Queue with RabbitMQ, TypeORM, JWT

The architecture is designed to handle real-time interactions, user sessions, and efficient data management.

Component Descriptions

    direction LR
    [*] --> UI
    UI --> BE
    BE --> Database
    state BE {
      direction LR
      user --> quiz
      quiz --> participation
      user --> answer(service)
      answer(service) --> answer(consumer)
      answer(consumer) --> participation
      participation --> leaderboard
    BE --> Cache
    BE --> MessagingQueue


The diagram above shows us in general overview between components. The BE system is designed to be deployed on Kubernetes so I have seperate all of group function into every small service with their own database.

JWT authentication mechanism is used for token introspection for all service communication. Hence, a Bearer token in header for every request between service need to be used.

User Service

Manages user authentication, registration, and user-related data.


  • Register user
  • Authenticate user
  • Fetch user token
  • Introspec token for all service comunication

Database: Users Table

Quiz Service

Manages the creation of quizzes, quiz sessions, and questions.


  • Create quiz
  • Get quiz details and questions
  • Manage quiz sessions (e.g., start/end a quiz)

Database: Quiz Table, Questions Table

Participation Service

Handles user participation, joining quizzes, and tracking scores.


  • Join quiz session
  • Fetch joined quizzes

Database: User_Quiz Table

Answer Service

Receive and Publishes answer submissions to Message Queue


  • Submit answer

Database: Answers Table

Answer Consumer

  • Consumes messages related to answer submissions and score updates.
  • Checks answers for correctness, and updates scores.
  • Publish scored & noti to MQ answer_point

Participation Service

  • Consume queue and count on answer_point to get total score
  • Updates the score to Db
  • Save list of user's score based on quizId to cache
  • Publish noti to MQ to notify Leaderboard

Leaderboard Service

  • Leaderboard get notified when score changed by consume message from MQ
  • Read total score
  • Get scored from Redis to update score to the Leaderboard
  • WebSocket Integration: Uses WebSockets to push leaderboard updates to connected clients.


  • Fetch current leaderboard

Data Source: Reads from the User_Quiz Table (for scores) and Redis.



The database user uses only user table to store user informations, password for managing session and generate JWT


Collection of Question will be stored into table question and list of Quiz wil be in quiz table.


User's answer have to store into answer table.


Indicate user join a quiz and total score.

Technology Justification


Using Containerization of Backend Services

Docker: Containerize all backend services using Docker. Each service will run in its own container, providing isolation and consistency across different environments. This allows for easier deployment, scaling, and management of dependencies.

Container Orchestration: Utilize a container orchestration platform such as Kubernetes to manage and scale containerized services. Kubernetes provides automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, ensuring high availability and resource efficiency.

Load Balancing: Configure an ingress controller in Kubernetes to handle external traffic and distribute it to the appropriate backend services. This ensures that requests are efficiently routed and helps manage scaling.

Web Framework:

Use frameworks like Node.js/Nestjs to build each microservice.

Message Queue:

Use RabbitMQ or Kafka to handle event-driven communication between services.


  • Use a relational database like PostgreSQL for structured data storage.
  • Using TypeORM - efficient way to manage database in a Node.js application, especially with TypeScript. It simplifies database interactions, offers strong type safety, and supports features like migrations, easy relationship management, and a powerful query builder.


Use Redis for caching leaderboard data and reducing database load.


Use libraries like Socket.IO (for Node.js) or native WebSocket implementations for real-time updates.

Integration Strategy

Data Flow

Here's how we can use Message Queue and WebSockets for real-time performance and reliability.

Sequence flow IAM

    Client->>+User-Service: POST /auth/login
    User-Service->>+User Db:Query
    User Db-->>-User-Service: User
    User-Service->>User-Service: gen token
    User-Service-->>-Client: JWT Token

Sequence flow Sevice to sevice communication

    Client->>Service(s): GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
    alt Secure request
        Service(s)->>+User-Service: POST /auth/token/introspect
        User-Service->>User-Service: verify token
        User-Service-->>-Service(s): token active
        Service(s)->>+Service(s) Db: Query data
        Service(s) Db-->>-Service(s): Response data

        opt Request some extra tasks
            Service(s)->>+Engine Service(s): Request
            Engine Service(s)-->>-Service(s): Response result
    Service(s)-->>Client: Response


Sequence flow End-to-end

    participant Client
    participant User-Service
    participant Participation-Service
    participant Quiz-Service
    participant Redis
    participant MQ
    participant Answer-Service
    participant Answer-Consumer
    participant Leaderboard-Service


    Client->>+User-Service: Request token & userId
    User-Service->>User-Service: generate token
    User-Service-->>-Client: return accessToken <br>& refreshToken & userId

    alt Client to Retrieve a Quiz
        Client->>+Quiz-Service: Retrieve a Quiz
        Quiz-Service->>Quiz-Service: Check Available Quiz & Questions
        Quiz-Service->>+Redis: Cache to Redis<br>with KEY quiz:{quizId}:questions
        Quiz-Service-->>-Client: return Available Quiz quizId

    alt Client to Join a Quiz
        Client->>+Participation-Service: Join a Quiz<br>POST quizId & userId
        Participation-Service->>+Quiz-Service: Check Available Quiz & Questions
        Quiz-Service-->>-Participation-Service: Return Available Quiz & Questions
        Participation-Service-->>Client: return result joining a Quiz
        Participation-Service->>-Leaderboard-Service: Establishes a WebSocket connection to update user to the Leaderboard
        Leaderboard-Service-->>Client: Return Leaderboard via WebSocket

    alt Client to Answer Questions
        Client->>+Answer-Service: User answer Question with quizId, QuestionId, UserId
        Answer-Service->>-MQ: Publishes user's answer to the MQ with KEY<br>answer_queue

        MQ-->>+Answer-Consumer: Consume user's answer from the MQ
        Redis->>-Answer-Consumer: Get Questions from Redis <br>KEY quiz:{quizId}:questions
        Answer-Consumer->>Answer-Consumer: Checks answers for correctness from<br>KEY quiz:{quizId}:questions
        Answer-Consumer->>-MQ: Publish scored & noti to MQ answer_point
        MQ-->>+Participation-Service: Consume queue and count on answer_point to get total score
        Participation-Service-->>Participation-Service: Updates the score to Db
        Participation-Service->>+Redis: Save list of user's score based on quizId to cache

        Participation-Service->>-MQ: Publish noti to MQ to notify Leaderboard

        Leaderboard-Service-->>MQ: Leaderboard get notified when score changed
        Leaderboard-Service->>Redis: Read total score

        Redis->>+Leaderboard-Service: Get scored from Redis to update score to the Leaderboard
        Leaderboard-Service-->>-Client: Return Leaderboard via WebSocket



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  • Docker Desktop (latest version)
  • Nodejs 20.x, Nest.js CLI 10.0.0
  • PostgresDB 15.x
  • Postman, postman collection
  • Git

System Requirements

  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • Port availability:
    • 3001-3006: Nestjs service
    • 6379: Redis
    • 5432: Postgres
    • 5672: RABBITMQ

Running the app

In every project, Set up environment variables by changing the information in .env.

  • development:
npm i
npm run start
  • or just run from dist/ pre-built:
npm i
node dist/main.js

The project has been running on its own port.

Run the RabbitMQ and Redis:

docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:4.0-management
docker run -it --rm --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis


Using Docker to build and run image.

Live API

I have deployed the sevice on K8s. Just import postman collection, under folder Live/Dev

  • Base Url:
  • User Service: /user/v1/
  • Quiz Service: /quiz/v1/
  • Participation Service: /participation/v1/
  • Answer Service: /answer/v1/
  • Leader board Service: /leaderboard/v1/


  1. Start service

  1. User get token by login/refreshtoken

  1. User get a Quiz by Id to join

  1. User answering a question

  1. The AnswerService has received answer

  1. The AnswerConsumer consume answer and check

  1. AnswerConsumer push message about point to ParticipationService

ParticipationService listening and received the message.

  1. ParticipationService noti the leaderboard by push a noti message

  1. Check the score has been updated

  1. Deployment on K8s with Rancher


The demo only provides an implementation of the architecture and covers most of the possible scenarios. The project need to be improved:

  • UI App: A Flutter app that can run on Web, Windows Desktop, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Implement WebSocket: Once UI App is implementing, the WebSocket need to be integrated.
  • Admin Dashboard: To provide an end-to-end solution manage Quiz, Question, User,...
  • Build Permission Matrix: To ensure only authorized user can interacte with their data

Beside that, the architecture covers most of the possible scenarios, using JWT to authenticate with the service, also between sevice-to-service. Keycloak is one of choice but for flexible and specific needs, self-implement is a choice. Token is expried and I have provide an enpoint to refresh token, on every sevice call each other, it has to introspect token before make request to ensure sevice is authorized to access.

The app use commons technology to adapt the requirement:

  • Scalability: Build with Microservice architecture, de-coupling components and services with database will lead the stable and easy to scale up/down.
  • Performance: De-coupling service into microservice can lead the service run with lower memory, easy to deploy and manage in a ditributed system. Using Messaging Queue with RabbitMQ and Cache with Redis is the best choice to reduce database read dependencies.
  • Reliability: The app has build with snapshot in database, every changed on the table will be taken a snapshot. Using log on every important task to make it more easy to trace and debugging. If one service fails, it does not bring down the whole system, as other services can continue to function independently.
  • Maintainability: The app build with modules so easy to re-use and extend. (MessagingModule, RedisModule,...)
  • Monitoring and Observability: Build on top of K8s and GUIs for easily managing K8S, and I’ve opted for Rancher as the appropriate tool for deploying and managing K8S.


Le Quoc Nam, [email protected]


A technical solution for a real-time quiz feature for an English learning application.







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  • TypeScript 97.8%
  • JavaScript 1.2%
  • Dockerfile 1.0%